Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What To Put On A Canker Sore In Nose

Unionbirrai The coming year: the meeting seen by Claudio Cerullo

Since this is the second time that I give the role of a writer Claudio Cerullo I want to emphasize that among us there are no agreements of any kind. There are no conflicts of interest does not gives me beer and I am his press office. Clarify, you never know ... I find his work interesting and topical, and if someone wanted to replicate, so be it. The rest is obviously upon particular: UB at the turn, announced the birth of a new association, independent breweries and brewers less independent than once, big players who are approaching the shadows (but not all that). In short, a lot of irons in the fire for a 2011 which promises to be really interesting. But we'll talk. Now it's up to Claudio ....
The World

Who will so kind to put on reading, reading only know that some parts may be misleading, so a search or read all or most appropriate time. In any case, thanks for the attempt.
Friday, as previously announced in this space graciously granted me by Maurizio, I attended the meeting Unionbirrai . For the record it was not the first meeting that I was going and I must say that there has been talk in a more constructive and loyal than other times.
Although not accustomed to meeting gremitissime (a sign that a problem of whatever nature, exists in connection with the same members) I found people in good shape, so I think that those who says Unionbirrai dying and soon will pass to a better life, underestimates the environment. There are ideas, strategies and plans. Unfortunately (and not for demerits of Simon, but how did it) lacks a modern business management, consisting of objectives, both declared and measurable strategies and tactics communicated to the members.
Beyond the newsletters that arrive or not arrive, there is no way associated with the relationship closer and more personal. In a letter to Simon, a year ago, I proposed a macro-regional structure to address this serious shortcoming, which then actually creates a widespread feeling that they have paid a donation to be on a site and to participate in a contest (like I put a banner on a site beer) rather than having to actively support and create something common and useful. From here, probably some absenteeism and neglect on the part of the "underwriters." Unionbirrai is seen by many as too Lombardocentrica.
said that, to avoid typing the usual usual tome 5-6, come to the point: What Unionbirrai? From what I understand, and correct me if I'm wrong, is an association extended to different actors (professional or not) who cares about the development of craft beer. How can we develop this drink? Through the promotion and training of the operator of both the brewer and the consumer. Since, however, the weakest link the chain is the brewery, without which there would be no beer, 50% of directors is made up of producers and try to protect their existence, through agreements with CNA or participation eg. the tables of excise duty, to prevent the forcing of the market that make it impossible to create the life of microproduttori in general. But in fact the training through courses and courses in entrepreneurship tasting beer or future courses etc ASCOM. are the core activities.
One of the assembly was the change in the status of the type of partner, to allow the entry of distributors and publican, to create a table of internal and external activities that widen knowledge of the craft beer world.
I believe this can be useful, provided it is managed management, if properly supported by a press office, if supported by a panel of national and international experts, to elaborate the content easily accessible, if it is open to anyone, by members, raise their hand to make a contribution.
Incidentally, those associated with professional Unionbirrai criticism by saying that they do nothing, or are too Lumbard, know that there are three available seats on the board (out of 4 total), and then proposing can ... "seeing is believing." Those who criticize so much because it's easy, fun and destructive, you know that is not an attitude constructive community association.

So far, a spot on the new course Unionbirrai? No, having read a summarized here, and pending any additions or denials.
We come now to the personal considerations, I hope constructive.

a) Training
trainers course there is invented, we all know from experience that schools do not always find means knowing how to transmit knowledge. If this is the focus for UB to ensure the highest quality should be set up plans to offer training certificates from those who live by training, (if not, who Train the trainer, not just on content but also on techniques to help you understand the concepts?). Unionbirrai has done a lot and often relies on speakers from university, but this must be a stimulus to grow and organize. (Note: It would be desirable, especially for the training of aspiring brewers confirm a panel of teachers 'external' to microbreweries associated (albeit with various difficulties, the availability to the language) to ensure uniqueness and neutrality and not to feel excluded many other associated ).
Ultimately each mission has its own particular organization, if the training is the main mission, the structure must be optimized and certified purpose. This clearly applies to all those who tomorrow will have to do the trainers in any sector

b) Communication
Unionbirrai has never stood out for speed and communication strategy. Unfortunately, today is a body which advises and tell it like it is, opposing those who speak on behalf of everyone, not worrying about the impact that certain words can be for everyone, sometimes even using the existing divisions. A concrete example that I made at the meeting was the conference in Prato for excellent beer. The speaker who spoke on behalf of the brewers said that a year would remain more or less than 12 breweries, because the other could not survive in a regime of falling prices. The thing is over in the newspapers and called me a financial services provider to see if the prediction was unrealistic, since many breweries have financial commitments for periods longer than one year. It 's just one example, but I think he can show how communication can influence many things, including access to credit! Communicating costs and drains the limited resources of the association. But it is important and useful, not only for defensive purposes, but more proactive level and sector development

c) Voluntary
It 'obvious that a cultural connection allows you to recruit more volunteers than less noble intentions. In UB volunteers have done a lot and they deserve great praise. But the growth from the point requires management to make use of people who have the capacity and experience to take charge of the objectives and work tirelessly to achieve them. Volunteers can have useful skills, but can not work stably and especially to complete assignments in a timely manner. Volunteering should be channeled to activities also important, but short-lived. UB and not as an association can only work on projects of short-lived, at least not more, in today's market, with the current player. Must have a 5-year development plan.
not want to belittle the work of many pro and not, in years have done their utmost, to which must be made a praise from all sides. I would like to make suggestions for this or better for the immediate future.

c) Protection of small groups
In a work table so wide and varied, there may be minorities be protected? And the protection of these minorities can be at the expense of other minorities represented in the association? A current example: I can protect a microbrewery from the distributor who imports a "craft beer" from abroad at low prices? O from unfair competition from agricultural microbreweries that may have tax advantages, warehouses and commodity price subsidies, a sales network already at national or international? Agostino Arioli and Giovanni Campari (to name 2 showing two distinct phases of the life of UB) are our glories beer, are known throughout the world and think like the world, that "craft beer" in the sense of support for the craft beer through the support of the local microbreweries. Therefore, their vision is so enlarged. But unfortunately for us the reality of microbreweries in the country is trying to get by with a population of 10,000 souls, of which 30% are unemployed, of a type that in winter you do not even pay the rent of the shed and not structured reality. You can not not have to care about their existence and their development.
It has been said on many web sites that there are microbreweries "carbonara" in the sense that they met to see if they have common needs, what those needs are strong and urgent, and if you need to build something together for the protection of themselves, that rather than charcoal defined as independent. To them it would be very useful to have a body able to protect its operations and its survival in a context of possible unfair competition (which is created or could create). Need protection against those who say that most of the beers are Belgian or British artisan who makes a brewpub with a plant of 50 liters and then sells beer and quite different from a thousand other market distortions that may exist. We need a direction to maximize and take advantage of certain opportunities. This Unionbirrai can not, because of its "mission" to gather the voting power of each brewery that makes beer is not pasteurized, independent and non-agricultural, rural and otherwise. We need therefore to
independent microbreweries, a cell association, a micro Unionbirrai than that, because not all manufacturers are equal and have the same problems (beyond the big common themes).
may not be the only in the sense that tomorrow could be formed as an independent cell association of agricultural and rural breweries or wineries or breweries of the VIP club or producing revenues of more than a certain threshold. All this is perfectly legitimate and can not be directly be Unionbirrai (which as I said, today is another thing, unless you attempt a climb and overwhelm all).
Someone might say, but if we expand the market together, there is room for everyone, without having to create anything new, leaving the status quo. Who has an interest in this is associated with UB, to cooperate in community life, without thinking create barriers and distinctions.
would be nice, but unfortunately this is the right vision for a period such as the pioneering stage, in which the problems and the means were the same for all as well as the ability to invest. With
this spreading crisis in a growing market, but still not structured like that of craft beer, which is fully active Pareto's Law (which says that 20% of operators are 80% of the market) and where this has already stimulated the appetites of markets decrement (wine, champagne, etc..), could lead to entry or the structuring of the industrial groups with few resources (in absolute sense, but much higher than possible for a mid-level microbrewery) acquire a dominant position in the craft market. For UB this is not important in the sense that if beer is produced in accordance with Annex A, there are no problems, will always have the support of the association and it will be a simple adjustment of the market. But having a market dominated by purely logical business, distribution and commercial synergies rather than passion in producing a good beer and genuine, will not bring fruit or consumers or to distributors or publican. You are returned to a limited selection of beers not pasteurized, a photocopy of what the average consumer is asking, without imagination, passion and inventiveness, typical of small independent producers. I was the executive UB I wonder if the professionals who are part of the 50% of the assembly should be just the producers or more specifically the independent breweries, closer to the original philosophy and more passion and determination to make a certain kind of beer? Wanting
Close string: UB has decided to continue the same path by the founders, aware that the main problem is the growth of the market. With some modifications and some structural certification will succeed. But then this market, what will those who have invested and believed passionately in the industry?
Therefore, I ask members UB:
UB is not the case that work with independent producers, bringing experience, however, a brand recognized and planning in all those areas where there may be synergies? But most agree the formation of these cells without hostility and constraints, without shouting to treason or separatism, but accepting and working with those who still care about craft beer?
I ask who was at the meeting of Bicester carbonara:
is not the case that those who need and specific needs, such as independent, express their demands in a meeting of comparison with UB and still remain in area collaboration with those who continued the movement for several years and look together to find the highest number of points of contact and joint development?
In Italy it is very difficult. We are very individualistic, jealous, ambitious, but food divisions, the statutes create barriers, which prevent an independent or to be associated with UB Unionbirrai kicked out of the independent sector will only destructive phenomena.
E 'now instead of encourage collaboration between all actors, UB, Mobi, ADB, and anyone who cares about craft beer, including reality can become involved, a great festival common to find the funds, you need a great training platform exhibitors and the public, are seminars and training courses for brewers, are television spots, press releases, opportunities in which to tell their beers, especially those niche and not just boast large transactions or Marketta. Serving heads, registrations and money for a great common plan.
Se qualche giorno fa volevo salvare Unionbirrai, oggi sono ancor piĆ¹ motivato a stimolare tutto l'ambiente per creare attraverso opportune sinergie, del valori condivisi e tangibili, che facciano veramente il bene del movimento birrario artigianale italiano, attraverso il coinvolgimento di UB e di tutti gli altri attori.
Sogno un "Monte Rushmore" con le effigi di Kuaska, Monetti, Giacu, Faraggi, Bertinotti, Polli e Carilli, a memoria di una grande collaborazione ed un grande risultato non del singolo, ma della birra artigianale italiana.
Claudio Cerullo


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