It closes a difficult 2010 and opens a difficult 2011. That alone should make us think a bit 'all that, even in beer, we will have to tighten their belts and you will have to wait for the selection on the breweries and beers produced from them will increase. Not that the market is saturated, I do not think so, but the "fish" are biting with less ease. Not everything that is traditional is good and also the word "craft" is a little 'breaking the box since all or almost if they are appropriate without a shot being fired. Ergo anticipate that the beer will be some suffering more than in the past, especially those who will believe that this area remains so fertile for start up. The warning signs come on prices, of course, the Italian craft beer but also the carelessness of some producers. And in the meantime go down in the "bigwig", of course, do their job. Make arrangements with the best apples in the basket, acquire shares, in short, are preparing for the future that will be less than today's Wild West and a bit 'more New Frontier. A few days ago I read a distributor of Bergamo which is about to launch its beer on the market: the year chiamata Cuvèe Millesimata . Nome da "notte degli Oscar" ma è una birra chiara venduta a prezzo competitivo perché, come ammette il titolare nell'intervista, "non possiamo costare sempre più degli altri". Sintomatico, a mio avviso. Così come sono sintomatici i rumors che danno per operativo dal primo gennaio un accordo tra un big player della distribuzione e uno storico commerciante bolognese di beverage (birre incluse). E così si nota, sul web, che il leggendario Teku, il calice risolutivo per la degustazione della birra, è finito nelle confezioni natalizie di Birra Moretti Grand Cru. Insomma, ogni tanto ho idea che il mondo della birra artigianale italiana assomigli un po' a quelle scene dove le carovane are close to the rim to withstand the attack of the Indians. A policy that may well have happened but which involves the inaction.
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Just a decent pint of beer |
This is the future market and as the market changes and transforms, associations (possibly) multiply, fans of niche climb increasingly on specialty "crazy" and the struggles of the neighborhood, as the hilarious controversy of Ratebeer votes on the local Italian read on the forums Mobi , lead me to think that the compass can definitely crazy. That it relates to consumers, or some type of consumer, it does not matter, but if this enveloping even the producers and owners of the stores could be catastrophic. The fact is that the revolution of Italian craftsmanship is a flame that burns violently. Within a few years it seems that Beck's and Corona drinkers we have all transformed into the hop aesthetes, vivisection of yeast, researchers from the vintage of the barrel or whatever you want. Unfortunately, the mass market is still up for Beck's and Corona and approach it with the taste of certain beers, including Italian, it seems a little 'complicated. However we continue like this: rant and argue, in the pursuit of the hyperbola is it lexical or brewing, and often falling into contradiction with ourselves as well. As I have already written, we are half way between the first love Boum style and state of permanent belligerency of the boys Via Paal. But, I think, this is not a permanent condition, which may in fact last forever. Sooner or later people grow, get tired, find other things about which passion or quarrel. Again, beer lovers are not at any risk. The so-called operators.
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