Friday, December 10, 2010

What Does The Hemin Look Like

Unionbirrai: the position of Claudio Cerullo

Le righe che seguono dovevano essere un commento al mio post "Unionbirrai: ripartire o perire". Ma considerato l'autore, Claudio Cerullo di Birra Amiata, e le cose che scrive ho deciso, dopo aver avuto il suo "via libera", di farne un post specifico. E' la prima volta che su questo blog succede. Se ci saranno validi motivi, non sarà l'ultima. E' ovviamente una questione di visibilità ma anche di maggior disponibilità alla discussione...

agree that the Italian craft beer is like a boy grew up quickly, the prey of love, idols and passions are always different and sometimes the one in contrast with the other. It 's time to bring clarity, order, moving from an idea of \u200b\u200bthe brewer less bohemian, genius, and more lawlessness and ideas with clear, specific objectives and a strategy real and straightforward. As you say rightly, that one chooses it clear that he wants to do and what beer segment.
This does not mean that the images of dreamy brewers through fields of barley that will be replaced by images of impersonal business, but the passage to mean something more structured, a second generation, as has already happened in other craft areas.
To do this requires that the craftsmen come together with a common DNA Assobirra not in the house of industry, but under a roof constructed to fit their needs and try to grow themselves in them and that contributes to the growth of the sector, perhaps in collaboration with other organizations on common objectives. This was my thought. Too bad for Unionbirrai, but who wants to give chances to those who have not chosen a side? After you join Assobirra there was a mobilization of many (including me) to push UB in the most critical positions, but without success. Do you think that are associated since 2006 and last newsletter did not mention my Christmas beer, while also mentioning other breweries are not associated with ... but it was just that. Nobody had informed me of the entry of Lelio, or UB President and one week by the Assembly have not yet been able to read the amendments to the statute that would bring. Simon is a friend and it has all my respect, but he found working in the quicksand of decisions not taken and the insufficient funds. In the companies, says it's easier to give birth to another child who raise the dead, in practice it is easier to make a new association to revive a now groping nell'asfissia.

Claudio Cerullo - Birra Amiata

But precisely because I have paid fees since 2006, which I label the logo Unionbirrai, the fact that there are members in meritorious life, volunteering for the scent of the founding fathers, who still feels for the name, though also used for personal rather than exclusively for the common good, known to many international players, I'd hate to see Unionbirrai perish, because I think he can still be useful. In fact, the craftsmen are rules and Perhaps utility services daily, but require credible partners and organized training in the work not so much and not just consumers, but also of the operators (operators, waiters, bartenders, etc..) and then have to explain and make known the products they selected customers. I believe that after the migration of many HB on Mobi and the possible transfer of many brewers, the last train, even honorable (or at least the story's already recognizes this activity), may be that training, creating a beer culture not only restricted to the tasting as an end in itself but to the knowledge of styles and origins, of the possible combinations in the kitchen, drinking responsibly, and why not, the history of the movement in Italy. To do this there are also plans, objectives, funding, mandates. You can not stand without the requirements. I will be meeting in the hope that we can work to create a useful, proactive training, to see people leave and volunteers work together to organize something serious and important, but especially visible outside the media and by consumers. This in my humble opinion is the way, the direction to go, so that UB should die or be exploited by someone else that could be used to want to destroy what could not be born and to grow the movement as needed.
Claudio Cerullo


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