Imagine a doctoral thesis entitled The persecution of Catholics, a racist invention . Or another doctoral thesis in which, after clarifying that in USA, in 2009, the number of acts of Islamophobia and 'was ridiculously low (which and' true , eh), the applicant claims that the whole issue Islamophobia is a kind of conspiracy.
I think the two candidates above have little chance 'to discuss their case.
Instead, think a bit 'what luck, this young lady doctorate has been debating for a hundred pages on "victimhood of the Powerful," about Jewish racism and the Zionist conspiracy that forces children to learn blacks by heart the legend of the Holocaust. Or something 'for them'.
Yes ', of course, Miss and' Jewish. As Rosa Luxemburg, who two years before his death in 1917, wrote to a friend that it had no place in his heart for the suffering of the Jewish people. Imports of most 'the sufferings of others.
me these people are really worth. Their ebraismo consiste in un vago impegno per la giustizia sociale, che poi si riduce a una specie di era messianica in cui cadranno le distinzioni tra ebrei e non ebrei. Come voleva Paolo. E vabbe', se essere ebreo ti pesa, vien da dire, fatti tuoi. Nessuno ti obbliga, grazie a Dio, a stare da questa parte di quella che tu credi sia una barriera di separazione dal resto del mondo.
Ma nulla, questi continuano a sognare un mondo in cui tutti gli ebrei potranno (o saranno costretti a) gettare via questa imbarazzante appartenenza. Giusto per non sbagliarsi, loro preferiscono sbarazzarsene prima. Sicche' la loro militanza per la giustizia sociale si riduce a una crociata contro "organizzazioni ebraiche" rich and powerful, with the Elders of Zion to the command.
The PhD student devotes the first chapter of his thesis to the story of his ideological journey. That is: the contemplation of his navel. Probably part of the cultural atmosphere of these years, dominated (also) from the culture of whining : pathological cases of people from low self-esteem ', in order to redeem themselves, they feel obliged efforts in campaigns against the mills wind, and more 'the battle, and' self-destructive, more 'feel heroes. Their psychological problems. Epper, 'the University' to become the space to exhibit, this neurosis, it makes me feel anyway.
For a change, and 'a kind of delirium, as I said above, is targeting the Jews and not other groups. But think how lucky.
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