Friday, December 17, 2010

Peel And Stick Tiles That You Grout

talk politics

Questo e' un post indirizzato a quelli che cercano di capire come la pensi io politicamente. 

Avete tutta la mia comprensione, poveracci. For me it 's hard to see where I am. In a couple of decades I have been part of three different parties of the left - before the last vestiges of extra-parliamentary left, then the radicals, then the PCI-PDS and then back to the radicals. In Italy, and when they vote, vote generally on the left.

When I was a student with high hopes, I was convinced that the liberal-socialist political tradition and the Italian communist, radical, respectively, represented by PCI, could live, or even to talk. Stuff to change in Italy there was, and there 's too: the ruling class and clerical bigot and the professional world strangled by the corporations. On the other hand the working class and lower middle classes were really the most 'healthy country: they were forced p. es. PCI to jettison clerical prudence when it came to rights such as divorce or the IVG. And water has' passed under the bridge. With a lot of dead babies in, if I pass the metaphor.

Except that 'I changed my mind on Social achieved. When I was a student with high hopes, dreaming that the PCI could easily turn into "the Social Democratic Party of Nordic type", win elections and transform Italy into something better. Oh, mind you, I still believe that we are born equal, and the orphan, the stranger and the widow's son-in short, those who are at the margins-should be brought to the center. And since not make it alone, that should be the State to carry us. For me it 's also a question of monotheism - and there's no' worse than the idolatry of the market, as every hero requires its share of human sacrifices, it distorts the language, by passing to the immutable nature and that instead 'Culture human, and therefore to change. Judaism means many things, but if you touch summarize, in the words of one who understood a lot, it means that human beings are created in the image of God, and everyone is entitled to the same respect and consideration that lends itself to God

I was convinced of this thing when I was in the party that has nominated Ilona Staller, hoping they will remember the struggles to introduce the admissibility 'office in cases of rape, where the Christian Democrat Giovanni Leone, a former President of the Republic, held scholarly dissertations, with quotations from the canon law (and I thought) to "prove" that the family, by definition, there can be no rapes.

The fact 'that social democracy, where is realized, and Israel is no exception, and' accompanied by an annoying moralizing. As for Israel, for example, you know why the Beatles-you ', the Beatles could not keep you up-concerts? Half of admission to read this Yossi Sarid , And that 'one of the idols of the current European anti-war left and the son of one of those Labour top brass, which was then dominated Israeli politics. And look at that and 'very curious this left social democratic and egalitarian: down dynasties that even the nobility' of the eighteenth century.

In short, according to Comrade Schneider, who would be the senior Sarid, the Beatles had long hair and drugs and their sounds satanic would pervert the beautiful youth 'grown in the kibbutz, which had come to him. stuff that I do not know if any Democrat has ever led to support in public, in Italy.

This belief in 'obligation di educare culturalmente le masse e' spesso la conseguenza di un'altra convinzione, secondo la quale il popolo, in quanto tale, e' sempre una massa di coglioni, dalle pericolose inclinazioni individualiste, in cui va instillata una qualche forma di etica basata sull'auto-sacrificio e la negazione della soddisfazione individuale. Che ne dire di uno Stato che si preoccupa di stabilire in cosa consiste la tua felicita', che ti fornisce anche degli strumenti per verificare se la hai ottenuta, e che poi te la misura? Se questo per voi e' essere di sinistra, vi presento il nuovo leader della sinistra europea, David Cameron , che ha introdotto questi stessi principi in quella grande insalata di fesserie che e' il demenziale programma dei Tory.

E c'e' anche un effetto collaterale. Chi ti governa sulla base della convinzione di conoscere cosa meglio edifica il tuo spirito, di solito individua un nemico. E rafforza il proprio potere demonizzando quel nemico, creando attorno a lui una specie di cintura di sicurezza che eviti a te la terribile esperienza di venirvi in contatto. Pensate, di nuovo, alla storia del socialismo israeliano. Nei libri di storia che avete magari preso tra le mani, di solito non ci sta scritto fino a a quale livello e' stato demonizzato Vladimir Jabotinsky e quelli che, come lui, pensavano a uno Stato ebraico piu' simile a una democrazia liberale che ad uno Stato sovietico. Lui ed i suoi allievi venivano gratificati, ma guarda che sorpresa, the status of fascists, that is pure evil. There were even those who inappropriately used the word Nazi , and the gas chambers had stopped working for less than ten years.

But this ugly story maybe the story again - actually 'something I've already' written here and here for example, good reading.

[DISCLAIMER: To ensure that the my blog to become the battleground of conflicting propagandas, in view of elections that do not even know if there will be, comments on this post will be censored all . Save yourself the trouble of writing them, and therefore, if you are part of the chosen host of the Hoplites del Bene, aka sbroccotronici, ricordate quel che avete sempre saputo, ovvero che il Mossad vi controlla.]  


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