Friday, December 31, 2010

Homemade Mma Training

On Parasha Toledot

I have read recently an interesting story from the Middle East. Apparently there is a big outrage going on in Palestinians’ headquarters. Mr Siham Barghouthi, Minister of Culture of the National Palestinian Authority is furious. He had spotted a kefya.You know, that black and white piece of clothes Arafat used to wear as part of his uniform, and that can be seen around the necks of some students, red and white.

Mr Barghouthi had discovered that an Israeli firm is marketing a new kind of kefya, “with an intricate Star of David pattern in the center piece, and words AM ISRAEL CHAI (Jewish People Live) in Hebrew, weaved into its fabric”. You can have it in blue and white, or also in military green. Mrs Maha Saqa, which is the director of the Heritage Conservation Center of Bethlehem told that this is, nonetheless, “a theft of heritage”.

Now, don’t ask me what Palestinian ministers do all the day, and what a Palestinian Heritage Conservation Center is meant for. I do not know. I can only say it seems they have a lot of time in their hands, so that they can follow so closely the fashion business. While neither of them seems to care about the kefyas being produced, actually, in China; and that in the last five years two Palestinian weaving factories went bankrupted. What can I say is that, being the nerdish person I am, and following a suggestion of a Religious Zionist friend of mine, I opened my beloved Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature by Marcus Jastrow.

That dictionary was published more than a century ago, long before the kefyah became the symbol of anything. And there I read an interesting entry about the sudra , which is a scarf wound around the head and hanging down the neck or a turban. Apparently in Talmudic times it was a sign of distinction for Jewish scholars. We have no proof it was used during the Biblical times, but to claim that sort of turban as authentically Arab, as opposed to a Jewish in-authenticity, is absurd.

This story reminds me the part of Parasha Toledot [Genesis 25:19-28:9]. There is a Jew in Eretz Israel. He’s doing reasonably well, you know there are ups and downs, but this guy is intelligent and a hard worker too. Unfortunately there are also the Philistines around; they do not care about welfare. They do not take any pain in improving, or in developing their own economy. No. The only things they care is, as v. 26:15 says, סִתְּמוּם פְּלִשְׁתִּים, וַיְמַלְאוּם עָפָר, to stop up Isaac’s wells, and to fill them with sand.

First the Philistines vandalize the Jewish business; so Isaac is forced to move. Not content, they keep on the destruction, even after Isaac had moved away. And why? Well, the text itself says it, v. 26:14 וַיְקַנְאוּ אֹתוֹ, פְּלִשְׁתִּים. , which is usually translated as “the Philistines envied him”. But is someway a sweeten translation, like often it happens when the text of the Bible is translated in one of our European languages. The verb itself, לקנא, is not simply about “envy”; it has a more intense meaning. A more appropriate translation indeed is “jealousy”; and there is also a component of zeal, because קנין are actually: religious fanatics.

But is not only the text to speak in this way. Abimelech himself, Philistines’ king, speaks to Isaac and says: “Go away from us, because you infuriated us too much”. [26:16] Apparently, there is something about a Jew prospering, that makes upset the surrounding people. Or at least certain kind of people, the ones who live under the rule of some arrogant Abimelech, a sovereign that does not care about building their own welfare and prosperity. They just want to get rid of the Jews, and cancel every sign of Jewish presence: so they fill with earth the wells that Isaac had dig.

I believe is still very vivid the memory of the mob destroying the wells and the greenhouses in Gaza, after the last Jewish family had left the place where they had lived, some of them from generations. And similarities are even more striking: Isaac dug anew the wells that his father Abraham dug; and that the Philistines had stopped up. Isaac even gives to the well the same names. As a result the Philistines are furious and look for the casus belli , the reason of war. According to them (let’s say their narrative) every well that the herdsmen of Isaac digs (let’s say: every Jewish well), is indeed in disputed land.

It is clear who had started it, because the Philistines clearly stated their goal, which is to get rid of Isaac’s family, because the Jews had upset them – period. Had some journalist been there, we might have a report about a continuous war of attrition between two different groups of herdsmen. Except that Isaac never retaliates, and simply keeps on moving from place to place, looking for a tiny piece of land not to be bothered by the Philistines. Abraham dug wells, the Philistines stopped them up, out of fury, intolerance, rage. Then the people of Isaac reopened the same wells (mind, the Philistines refuses even to use them, they just destroy) and had made the desert bloom. And then Isaac had to move.

Now, we might joke about the media reporter who strives to be neutral, and actually spreads lies more poisonous than Philistines’ propaganda. I understand there are plenty of such a reporters in this Country, and, believe me, Italy is not an exception. But in the Torah, in our text, in the portion we have read, we have no journalists. God Himself is silent.

Only when Isaac is far away from the theatre of hostilities, in Beer Sheva, 26: 23, only at this point, God appears to Isaac and reminds him the promise made to Abraham. God has been silent throughout the whole period of the conflicts, the tribal war. When the Philistines destroyed all the wells, that could have benefitted all the populations in the area, and replace them, actually, with nothing. With afar, sand, dust. With the desert. And God was silent.

I would suggest that God is not impressed by any claim of authenticity. God appears to Isaac, and reminds him the promise made to Abraham and the merit that Abraham had gained. “I will bless you and increase your offspring”[26:24]. But this happens only after Isaac managed to solve the conflict by himself, choosing wisely not to quarrel and not to fall into the traps of provocations and retaliation. Commentators maintain that Isaac was discouraged and frustrated, as a middle aged man not able to match the achievement of his father. At this point God enforces his self-confidence. But God does not help him to make peace with the neighbouring Philistines. This is a totally human matter.

The Torah tells us that Abimelech lately searches Isaac, to stipulate a peace treaty with him. His people are now impressed by Isaac’s achievements and realize that fighting a war is a huge waste of time, money and human lives. How did they come to this conclusion, the Torah does not tell.

Abimelech in 26:28 ff.  speaks in the first plural person, like he did the previous time. “We have seen” is just like the previous “you had made us furious”. First person plural: “we”. But now, to propose and sign this treaty, Abimelech appears together with Ahutza, his councillor, and Ficol, the chief of the troops. They are the heads of the civil and the military administration.

Abimelech, that is, the leader of the Philistines, had developed a more pluralistic form of government, had learnt to listen to the people’ needs and will. Now he wants to work for their well-being instead of throwing them into the same, endless, war. Yes, Abimelech repeats the same piece of propaganda “we have never molested you”; but in the end he asks for a peace treaty, so that the welfare brought by the wells dug by Abraham first, and Isaac then, can benefit his people too.

One wonders what the BBC would have reported at that time.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What To Write Wedding Card


I would like to publish this last post of 2010 before starting to restore for the evening tonight. It seems strange to think that another year is over, the 2010 was too fast, lively and has brought many new features. One of these is the blog that, starting in February, was the beginning of a series of changes. In fact, I feel much changed, I also changed my goals, especially since I fulfilled my own evolution. And I noticed a very short, when I tried to summarize the year that will end in a few hours.

I do not know why, but 2010 is special for me. It will be because it is a round number, and I like a lot, or because it is the year that marked a clear separation between the "old me" and the "new me". In fact, I started to really open their eyes and see the world as it is, I started to question me about my surroundings and what might happen. I begin to have a clear vision of my future and also of my past. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong and what should change. All this thanks to the people I met, I see every day, they taught me to live and that helped me to shed light on what is confusing.

I think that until a few months ago my life and my way of thinking of things were separate and ambiguous, chaotic and deformed. A fundamental element of the order I'm doing is the practical life, that makes me deal with situations and I am really living the reality, or at least, the fact that I can afford at this age.

I also think that the image of me that goes through the blogosphere and the internet is not so true. I'm trying to resize it a bit 'to show that what goes on is not the whole, but only a part. For me, photographs, video, what I write, are the frames of my life that slowly recover and try to decipher and understand as well as take. It is not easy but I think it is the fundamental route and best that I can take hours.

Understand what you are is not something that happens quickly. For me it's one of my new goals, and I can not neglect it. My "essence", so to define, is emerging from a kind of ignorance that surrounded her. It includes several things that I tried to classify: my family, my health, my relationships, time. More ignorance goes, the more I understand what they are. It 's like traveling in the fog and slowly realizing that you can see the landscape around us.

I believe that each of us is equal to another, being combined by the same elements but in different order. In these elements are making me feel more and more and cause me concern that torment me and worries me. For some of you will not be so easy to understand this concept, because it is a fairly complex. For example, homosexuality. (It is almost hard to write). I wish anyone to experience the fears that I have not lived. Diseases, violence, abuse and discrimination. But I do not want to fall into cliché. I try to be healthy would be the best solution to relieve all my problems. Or the weight obsession that would define more than fear. Apparently superficial, it is an obsession that haunts me. As may be satisfactory to achieve perfection? What you are willing to sacrifice to achieve their ideal? You are ready to give up something to make their wishes? The perfect weight is my desire. This is linked to the discourse on the image. Without it we would not be anyone. Everything starts from the image. Mathematically speaking, is equal to the Point of Perfection, which is equal to the Image. Perfection is the Image.
The Image is taking me to crush me. Maybe find myself means to submit to what will happen. That does not mean letting go, but rather to accept any idea that I impose.

This ricerca affannosa ed estenuante mi porta a pensare che eliminare qualche cosa di superficiale mi farà bene. Persone di troppo, sentimenti inutili, legami dolorosi, via.
Il blog è anche di troppo. Ma ormai sarebbe eliminare anche una parte di me. Lo metterò solo da parte proprio come ho fatto in questi mesi.

Spero di aver passato il mio messaggio nel migliore dei modi. Non valutate un'altra persona solo per la sua apparenza. Dietro ognuno di noi c'è un mondo infinito e misterioso che non conosciamo e a cui spesso non dobbiamo interessarci.

Auguri per un felice 2011 a tutti.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fast Heartbeat Clip Art

It closes a difficult 2010 and opens a difficult 2011. That alone should make us think a bit 'all that, even in beer, we will have to tighten their belts and you will have to wait for the selection on the breweries and beers produced from them will increase. Not that the market is saturated, I do not think so, but the "fish" are biting with less ease. Not everything that is traditional is good and also the word "craft" is a little 'breaking the box since all or almost if they are appropriate without a shot being fired. Ergo anticipate that the beer will be some suffering more than in the past, especially those who will believe that this area remains so fertile for start up. The warning signs come on prices, of course, the Italian craft beer but also the carelessness of some producers. And in the meantime go down in the "bigwig", of course, do their job. Make arrangements with the best apples in the basket, acquire shares, in short, are preparing for the future that will be less than today's Wild West and a bit 'more New Frontier. A few days ago I read a distributor of Bergamo which is about to launch its beer on the market: the year chiamata Cuvèe Millesimata . Nome da "notte degli Oscar" ma è una birra chiara venduta a prezzo competitivo perché, come ammette il titolare nell'intervista, "non possiamo costare sempre più degli altri". Sintomatico, a mio avviso. Così come sono sintomatici i rumors che danno per operativo dal primo gennaio un accordo tra un big player della distribuzione e uno storico commerciante bolognese di beverage (birre incluse). E così si nota, sul web, che il leggendario Teku, il calice risolutivo per la degustazione della birra, è finito nelle confezioni natalizie di Birra Moretti Grand Cru. Insomma, ogni tanto ho idea che il mondo della birra artigianale italiana assomigli un po' a quelle scene dove le carovane are close to the rim to withstand the attack of the Indians. A policy that may well have happened but which involves the inaction.

Just a decent pint of beer
This is the future market and as the market changes and transforms, associations (possibly) multiply, fans of niche climb increasingly on specialty "crazy" and the struggles of the neighborhood, as the hilarious controversy of Ratebeer votes on the local Italian read on the forums Mobi , lead me to think that the compass can definitely crazy. That it relates to consumers, or some type of consumer, it does not matter, but if this enveloping even the producers and owners of the stores could be catastrophic. The fact is that the revolution of Italian craftsmanship is a flame that burns violently. Within a few years it seems that Beck's and Corona drinkers we have all transformed into the hop aesthetes, vivisection of yeast, researchers from the vintage of the barrel or whatever you want. Unfortunately, the mass market is still up for Beck's and Corona and approach it with the taste of certain beers, including Italian, it seems a little 'complicated. However we continue like this: rant and argue, in the pursuit of the hyperbola is it lexical or brewing, and often falling into contradiction with ourselves as well. As I have already written, we are half way between the first love Boum style and state of permanent belligerency of the boys Via Paal. But, I think, this is not a permanent condition, which may in fact last forever. Sooner or later people grow, get tired, find other things about which passion or quarrel. Again, beer lovers are not at any risk. The so-called operators.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Diablo 2 Lod 26 Generator

The Eve


Christmas Eve.
Waiting for the midnight ...

I wish you a Merry Christmas!

All Zara

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mirror Stores In Toronto

Buon Natale a tutti

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What To Put On A Canker Sore In Nose

Unionbirrai The coming year: the meeting seen by Claudio Cerullo

Since this is the second time that I give the role of a writer Claudio Cerullo I want to emphasize that among us there are no agreements of any kind. There are no conflicts of interest does not gives me beer and I am his press office. Clarify, you never know ... I find his work interesting and topical, and if someone wanted to replicate, so be it. The rest is obviously upon particular: UB at the turn, announced the birth of a new association, independent breweries and brewers less independent than once, big players who are approaching the shadows (but not all that). In short, a lot of irons in the fire for a 2011 which promises to be really interesting. But we'll talk. Now it's up to Claudio ....
The World

Who will so kind to put on reading, reading only know that some parts may be misleading, so a search or read all or most appropriate time. In any case, thanks for the attempt.
Friday, as previously announced in this space graciously granted me by Maurizio, I attended the meeting Unionbirrai . For the record it was not the first meeting that I was going and I must say that there has been talk in a more constructive and loyal than other times.
Although not accustomed to meeting gremitissime (a sign that a problem of whatever nature, exists in connection with the same members) I found people in good shape, so I think that those who says Unionbirrai dying and soon will pass to a better life, underestimates the environment. There are ideas, strategies and plans. Unfortunately (and not for demerits of Simon, but how did it) lacks a modern business management, consisting of objectives, both declared and measurable strategies and tactics communicated to the members.
Beyond the newsletters that arrive or not arrive, there is no way associated with the relationship closer and more personal. In a letter to Simon, a year ago, I proposed a macro-regional structure to address this serious shortcoming, which then actually creates a widespread feeling that they have paid a donation to be on a site and to participate in a contest (like I put a banner on a site beer) rather than having to actively support and create something common and useful. From here, probably some absenteeism and neglect on the part of the "underwriters." Unionbirrai is seen by many as too Lombardocentrica.
said that, to avoid typing the usual usual tome 5-6, come to the point: What Unionbirrai? From what I understand, and correct me if I'm wrong, is an association extended to different actors (professional or not) who cares about the development of craft beer. How can we develop this drink? Through the promotion and training of the operator of both the brewer and the consumer. Since, however, the weakest link the chain is the brewery, without which there would be no beer, 50% of directors is made up of producers and try to protect their existence, through agreements with CNA or participation eg. the tables of excise duty, to prevent the forcing of the market that make it impossible to create the life of microproduttori in general. But in fact the training through courses and courses in entrepreneurship tasting beer or future courses etc ASCOM. are the core activities.
One of the assembly was the change in the status of the type of partner, to allow the entry of distributors and publican, to create a table of internal and external activities that widen knowledge of the craft beer world.
I believe this can be useful, provided it is managed management, if properly supported by a press office, if supported by a panel of national and international experts, to elaborate the content easily accessible, if it is open to anyone, by members, raise their hand to make a contribution.
Incidentally, those associated with professional Unionbirrai criticism by saying that they do nothing, or are too Lumbard, know that there are three available seats on the board (out of 4 total), and then proposing can ... "seeing is believing." Those who criticize so much because it's easy, fun and destructive, you know that is not an attitude constructive community association.

So far, a spot on the new course Unionbirrai? No, having read a summarized here, and pending any additions or denials.
We come now to the personal considerations, I hope constructive.

a) Training
trainers course there is invented, we all know from experience that schools do not always find means knowing how to transmit knowledge. If this is the focus for UB to ensure the highest quality should be set up plans to offer training certificates from those who live by training, (if not, who Train the trainer, not just on content but also on techniques to help you understand the concepts?). Unionbirrai has done a lot and often relies on speakers from university, but this must be a stimulus to grow and organize. (Note: It would be desirable, especially for the training of aspiring brewers confirm a panel of teachers 'external' to microbreweries associated (albeit with various difficulties, the availability to the language) to ensure uniqueness and neutrality and not to feel excluded many other associated ).
Ultimately each mission has its own particular organization, if the training is the main mission, the structure must be optimized and certified purpose. This clearly applies to all those who tomorrow will have to do the trainers in any sector

b) Communication
Unionbirrai has never stood out for speed and communication strategy. Unfortunately, today is a body which advises and tell it like it is, opposing those who speak on behalf of everyone, not worrying about the impact that certain words can be for everyone, sometimes even using the existing divisions. A concrete example that I made at the meeting was the conference in Prato for excellent beer. The speaker who spoke on behalf of the brewers said that a year would remain more or less than 12 breweries, because the other could not survive in a regime of falling prices. The thing is over in the newspapers and called me a financial services provider to see if the prediction was unrealistic, since many breweries have financial commitments for periods longer than one year. It 's just one example, but I think he can show how communication can influence many things, including access to credit! Communicating costs and drains the limited resources of the association. But it is important and useful, not only for defensive purposes, but more proactive level and sector development

c) Voluntary
It 'obvious that a cultural connection allows you to recruit more volunteers than less noble intentions. In UB volunteers have done a lot and they deserve great praise. But the growth from the point requires management to make use of people who have the capacity and experience to take charge of the objectives and work tirelessly to achieve them. Volunteers can have useful skills, but can not work stably and especially to complete assignments in a timely manner. Volunteering should be channeled to activities also important, but short-lived. UB and not as an association can only work on projects of short-lived, at least not more, in today's market, with the current player. Must have a 5-year development plan.
not want to belittle the work of many pro and not, in years have done their utmost, to which must be made a praise from all sides. I would like to make suggestions for this or better for the immediate future.

c) Protection of small groups
In a work table so wide and varied, there may be minorities be protected? And the protection of these minorities can be at the expense of other minorities represented in the association? A current example: I can protect a microbrewery from the distributor who imports a "craft beer" from abroad at low prices? O from unfair competition from agricultural microbreweries that may have tax advantages, warehouses and commodity price subsidies, a sales network already at national or international? Agostino Arioli and Giovanni Campari (to name 2 showing two distinct phases of the life of UB) are our glories beer, are known throughout the world and think like the world, that "craft beer" in the sense of support for the craft beer through the support of the local microbreweries. Therefore, their vision is so enlarged. But unfortunately for us the reality of microbreweries in the country is trying to get by with a population of 10,000 souls, of which 30% are unemployed, of a type that in winter you do not even pay the rent of the shed and not structured reality. You can not not have to care about their existence and their development.
It has been said on many web sites that there are microbreweries "carbonara" in the sense that they met to see if they have common needs, what those needs are strong and urgent, and if you need to build something together for the protection of themselves, that rather than charcoal defined as independent. To them it would be very useful to have a body able to protect its operations and its survival in a context of possible unfair competition (which is created or could create). Need protection against those who say that most of the beers are Belgian or British artisan who makes a brewpub with a plant of 50 liters and then sells beer and quite different from a thousand other market distortions that may exist. We need a direction to maximize and take advantage of certain opportunities. This Unionbirrai can not, because of its "mission" to gather the voting power of each brewery that makes beer is not pasteurized, independent and non-agricultural, rural and otherwise. We need therefore to
independent microbreweries, a cell association, a micro Unionbirrai than that, because not all manufacturers are equal and have the same problems (beyond the big common themes).
may not be the only in the sense that tomorrow could be formed as an independent cell association of agricultural and rural breweries or wineries or breweries of the VIP club or producing revenues of more than a certain threshold. All this is perfectly legitimate and can not be directly be Unionbirrai (which as I said, today is another thing, unless you attempt a climb and overwhelm all).
Someone might say, but if we expand the market together, there is room for everyone, without having to create anything new, leaving the status quo. Who has an interest in this is associated with UB, to cooperate in community life, without thinking create barriers and distinctions.
would be nice, but unfortunately this is the right vision for a period such as the pioneering stage, in which the problems and the means were the same for all as well as the ability to invest. With
this spreading crisis in a growing market, but still not structured like that of craft beer, which is fully active Pareto's Law (which says that 20% of operators are 80% of the market) and where this has already stimulated the appetites of markets decrement (wine, champagne, etc..), could lead to entry or the structuring of the industrial groups with few resources (in absolute sense, but much higher than possible for a mid-level microbrewery) acquire a dominant position in the craft market. For UB this is not important in the sense that if beer is produced in accordance with Annex A, there are no problems, will always have the support of the association and it will be a simple adjustment of the market. But having a market dominated by purely logical business, distribution and commercial synergies rather than passion in producing a good beer and genuine, will not bring fruit or consumers or to distributors or publican. You are returned to a limited selection of beers not pasteurized, a photocopy of what the average consumer is asking, without imagination, passion and inventiveness, typical of small independent producers. I was the executive UB I wonder if the professionals who are part of the 50% of the assembly should be just the producers or more specifically the independent breweries, closer to the original philosophy and more passion and determination to make a certain kind of beer? Wanting
Close string: UB has decided to continue the same path by the founders, aware that the main problem is the growth of the market. With some modifications and some structural certification will succeed. But then this market, what will those who have invested and believed passionately in the industry?
Therefore, I ask members UB:
UB is not the case that work with independent producers, bringing experience, however, a brand recognized and planning in all those areas where there may be synergies? But most agree the formation of these cells without hostility and constraints, without shouting to treason or separatism, but accepting and working with those who still care about craft beer?
I ask who was at the meeting of Bicester carbonara:
is not the case that those who need and specific needs, such as independent, express their demands in a meeting of comparison with UB and still remain in area collaboration with those who continued the movement for several years and look together to find the highest number of points of contact and joint development?
In Italy it is very difficult. We are very individualistic, jealous, ambitious, but food divisions, the statutes create barriers, which prevent an independent or to be associated with UB Unionbirrai kicked out of the independent sector will only destructive phenomena.
E 'now instead of encourage collaboration between all actors, UB, Mobi, ADB, and anyone who cares about craft beer, including reality can become involved, a great festival common to find the funds, you need a great training platform exhibitors and the public, are seminars and training courses for brewers, are television spots, press releases, opportunities in which to tell their beers, especially those niche and not just boast large transactions or Marketta. Serving heads, registrations and money for a great common plan.
Se qualche giorno fa volevo salvare Unionbirrai, oggi sono ancor più motivato a stimolare tutto l'ambiente per creare attraverso opportune sinergie, del valori condivisi e tangibili, che facciano veramente il bene del movimento birrario artigianale italiano, attraverso il coinvolgimento di UB e di tutti gli altri attori.
Sogno un "Monte Rushmore" con le effigi di Kuaska, Monetti, Giacu, Faraggi, Bertinotti, Polli e Carilli, a memoria di una grande collaborazione ed un grande risultato non del singolo, ma della birra artigianale italiana.
Claudio Cerullo

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Can You Use Prepaid Credit Cards For Bangbros

Condividete e cliccate su "Mi piace" su facebook

Now the blog has opened a page on facebook For those who want to share content.
One more way to let us know and feel and make public our stories.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Philosophy Of Education

Preview: Coffee Stout Theresianer

Non mi capita tutti i giorni di fare un assaggio in anteprima assoluta. Quando arriva, well-being. This time I have had the opportunity through his friendship with Tullio Zangrando, one of the most competent and friendly people I know in the grand circus of Italian beer, a consultant for some years in this part of Theresianer , the company Martino Zanetti (better known to the public as Mr. Hausbrandt ), in which Christian Romano plays the role of the brewer. The preview is then the unofficial debut of the first ever Coffee Stout by an Italian company (between the medium and large), a beer that I had also suggested the same caution with Zangrando a couple of years ago and that seemed almost mandatory considered the two fields of action for Zanetti. Beer and coffee exactly. Now the beer is ready, a small quantity of production-scale

from coffee ...
pilot and re-fermented in a serbatoietto but not filtered, thought, quoting the words of Zangrando "abiding by the canons" classics "of stout, a focus on lightness and sull'amaro. The Coffee Stout, name not yet final, is announced in the market for next year and it is assumed that, even in its final version, it will be unfiltered. Poured into the glass has a beautiful mahogany color with ruby \u200b\u200breflections if you approach a source of direct light. The foam is persistent, or hazelnut latte color, but thin and compact.
... beer.
The aroma is certainly the aspect that intrigued me most. Granted, the note of coffee is clear and dominant, but clean, non-invasive or exaggerated. Below, you will hear all shades "cafeteria": cappuccino, coffee pocket. Why, after a few seconds, you feel even the smell of milk chocolate, a hint of biscuit, and in my opinion, a gesture reminiscent of crème caramel. Feel good. Also confirmed When tasting the beer reveals his, effective, lightweight and easy to drink (4.8 vol% and 20 IBU) leaving at the end of a pleasant taste of roasted and bitter very sharp. So this is a beer that I liked very much and I think photographer's attention to a business reality no small beer "original" and characterized. I do not think it is an anticipation of a new era, perhaps only a sign of the times, as Bob Dylan sang, are changing. Or, at least, I like to think so ...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Peel And Stick Tiles That You Grout

talk politics

Questo e' un post indirizzato a quelli che cercano di capire come la pensi io politicamente. 

Avete tutta la mia comprensione, poveracci. For me it 's hard to see where I am. In a couple of decades I have been part of three different parties of the left - before the last vestiges of extra-parliamentary left, then the radicals, then the PCI-PDS and then back to the radicals. In Italy, and when they vote, vote generally on the left.

When I was a student with high hopes, I was convinced that the liberal-socialist political tradition and the Italian communist, radical, respectively, represented by PCI, could live, or even to talk. Stuff to change in Italy there was, and there 's too: the ruling class and clerical bigot and the professional world strangled by the corporations. On the other hand the working class and lower middle classes were really the most 'healthy country: they were forced p. es. PCI to jettison clerical prudence when it came to rights such as divorce or the IVG. And water has' passed under the bridge. With a lot of dead babies in, if I pass the metaphor.

Except that 'I changed my mind on Social achieved. When I was a student with high hopes, dreaming that the PCI could easily turn into "the Social Democratic Party of Nordic type", win elections and transform Italy into something better. Oh, mind you, I still believe that we are born equal, and the orphan, the stranger and the widow's son-in short, those who are at the margins-should be brought to the center. And since not make it alone, that should be the State to carry us. For me it 's also a question of monotheism - and there's no' worse than the idolatry of the market, as every hero requires its share of human sacrifices, it distorts the language, by passing to the immutable nature and that instead 'Culture human, and therefore to change. Judaism means many things, but if you touch summarize, in the words of one who understood a lot, it means that human beings are created in the image of God, and everyone is entitled to the same respect and consideration that lends itself to God

I was convinced of this thing when I was in the party that has nominated Ilona Staller, hoping they will remember the struggles to introduce the admissibility 'office in cases of rape, where the Christian Democrat Giovanni Leone, a former President of the Republic, held scholarly dissertations, with quotations from the canon law (and I thought) to "prove" that the family, by definition, there can be no rapes.

The fact 'that social democracy, where is realized, and Israel is no exception, and' accompanied by an annoying moralizing. As for Israel, for example, you know why the Beatles-you ', the Beatles could not keep you up-concerts? Half of admission to read this Yossi Sarid , And that 'one of the idols of the current European anti-war left and the son of one of those Labour top brass, which was then dominated Israeli politics. And look at that and 'very curious this left social democratic and egalitarian: down dynasties that even the nobility' of the eighteenth century.

In short, according to Comrade Schneider, who would be the senior Sarid, the Beatles had long hair and drugs and their sounds satanic would pervert the beautiful youth 'grown in the kibbutz, which had come to him. stuff that I do not know if any Democrat has ever led to support in public, in Italy.

This belief in 'obligation di educare culturalmente le masse e' spesso la conseguenza di un'altra convinzione, secondo la quale il popolo, in quanto tale, e' sempre una massa di coglioni, dalle pericolose inclinazioni individualiste, in cui va instillata una qualche forma di etica basata sull'auto-sacrificio e la negazione della soddisfazione individuale. Che ne dire di uno Stato che si preoccupa di stabilire in cosa consiste la tua felicita', che ti fornisce anche degli strumenti per verificare se la hai ottenuta, e che poi te la misura? Se questo per voi e' essere di sinistra, vi presento il nuovo leader della sinistra europea, David Cameron , che ha introdotto questi stessi principi in quella grande insalata di fesserie che e' il demenziale programma dei Tory.

E c'e' anche un effetto collaterale. Chi ti governa sulla base della convinzione di conoscere cosa meglio edifica il tuo spirito, di solito individua un nemico. E rafforza il proprio potere demonizzando quel nemico, creando attorno a lui una specie di cintura di sicurezza che eviti a te la terribile esperienza di venirvi in contatto. Pensate, di nuovo, alla storia del socialismo israeliano. Nei libri di storia che avete magari preso tra le mani, di solito non ci sta scritto fino a a quale livello e' stato demonizzato Vladimir Jabotinsky e quelli che, come lui, pensavano a uno Stato ebraico piu' simile a una democrazia liberale che ad uno Stato sovietico. Lui ed i suoi allievi venivano gratificati, ma guarda che sorpresa, the status of fascists, that is pure evil. There were even those who inappropriately used the word Nazi , and the gas chambers had stopped working for less than ten years.

But this ugly story maybe the story again - actually 'something I've already' written here and here for example, good reading.

[DISCLAIMER: To ensure that the my blog to become the battleground of conflicting propagandas, in view of elections that do not even know if there will be, comments on this post will be censored all . Save yourself the trouble of writing them, and therefore, if you are part of the chosen host of the Hoplites del Bene, aka sbroccotronici, ricordate quel che avete sempre saputo, ovvero che il Mossad vi controlla.]  

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letter to fellow

Suvvia, suvvia... 

Se bisogna comprendere le ragioni degli arabi, che vogliono almeno meta' di Gerusalemme, non vedo perche' non essere ugualmente comprensivi con la rabbia ed il disagio di chi vuole almeno meta' della tua macchina; e, mosso da disperazione per via dell'estremismo nel tenertela, ricorre alla arma dei deboli: la vandalizzazione.

Mi starete mica berlusconizzando? All these casinos just 'cause the your car' was damaged? You should be less impudent, and do not live in the center, as the bankers and the oppressors, which come apparent from the popular anger.

should detach clearly, publicly and loudly by the choices of homicidal and suicidal Who lives where you live. I am sure that election candidate q ualche known writer, you can send a message loud and clear.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Type Of Wax Includes Butt

Gardini, beer and video

the usual frenzy of work that I reach the end of the year (I suspect that many expect the end the world every damn Dec. 31) I added a quick interview with the new world champion sommelier Luca Gardini. Argument, of course, the role of beer in the restaurant, their potential, their real interest on the part of those who worked in the wine cellar and dining room and the "response" to consumers. It must be said that, despite knowing for years Luke had in previous days have seen the video by Polli Paul in his blog same name during the presentation of the fateful Espresso Guide Tables Beer. Ergo, harbored some doubts in my mind. But Luke, who certainly did not need any defense from me, I knew even the adrenaline vitality and curiosity towards any What we can drink and monstrous ability to concentrate at work and competitions, combined with a healthy and youthful appetite cazzeggiano when it is saved in phase, so let's call it, relax. Then, the defender of "red" actually showed a good knowledge of the beer produced, has admitted that his entire curriculum is centered on wine, however (as almost all the sommelier AIS) and showed, with my ill-concealed envy , the beers are tasting these days. Where will the precious list of Xyayu The Baladin, the Single Hop IPA Mikkeller Simcoe, the Hemel & Aard De Molen and other amenities not exactly Sports Bar. The boy, has twenty-nine, in short, has perhaps some more knowledge than the "red".
Luca Gardini
With this I'm not saying it's completely agree with the choice of the prize "paired" with Carlo Cracco. For guidance on the boards of beer I would have expected more courage and less copiaincolla "But it is true that at the level of great restaurants, Cracco and Gardini began to think of beer before many others. And before that fashion, then who knows what, is now galloping. So they should be given some credit because, by the way of fashion, Gardini admitted which, if not in safeguards, is fragile. That is temporary. A bit 'like the rose that in the long shunned by gourmet psuedogourmet, are suddenly back in vogue for a few years later, resettle in their usual corner (bubbles included). So the point is not to be merry laugh for some of the nonsense spoken in a video, the point is to understand how to weave an organic relationship with the world of catering. That does not mean only Cracco, Bottura, Cedroni and the rest of the "Galacticos", but all the Italian restaurants. Tens of thousands of boards to approach and possibly "settle". Mica with all beers imaginable, only identifying the most "Acconci" a quel mondo. Che è importante sotto tutti i punti di vista: economico-commerciale, ovviamente, ma anche in termini di immagine e di diffusione del Verbo tra un target che, spesso e volentieri, non metterebbe piede in pub e birrerie.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Autocad Drawing Railing

damaged symbols and the impossible history

In comments to post to Europe and the Holocaust started on a promising discussion. The argument 'the storia. Qui cerco di spiegare come la penso - o meglio, le domande che mi faccio io, che di professione ho fatto lo storico fino a qualche anno fa.

Poniamo che uno storico, tra qualche secolo, decida di studiare la sicurezza stradale nelle citta' italiane, nel decennio tra 1990 e 2000. Inizierebbe leggendo il Codice della Strada, e scoprirebbe che nel 1992 la cintura di sicurezza e' stata resa obbligatoria. Poi guarderebbe le multe spiccate per contravvenzione dell'obbligo, che furono poche, e ne dedurrebbe che l'obbligo e' stato universalmente osservato. Difatti in tutte le vetture in commercio, e poi in circolazione, sono state installate le apposite cinture. Certo, i quotidiani hanno registrato qualche borbottio and Naples and 'turn the curious legend of the T-shirt on which was depicted the seat belt fastened. But in general, and the law 'was massively observed.

And here's the article ready for publication: looks good that the author, who has put together legal sources (history of institutions), police sources (Social History), used quantitative methods on the data found ACI archives and Confindustria, the icing on the cake-and-something even the French press [yes, there are still a few century-style French historians] on rumors, urban legends and orality '.

All right. Except that I, and you, if you are Italian, you began to use a seat belt a few years after 1992. I, personally, and so 'my friends, we started more' or less around the millennium New Year's Eve. So what good historian of the above will take 'a resounding crab. Has' done, as they say, be conditioned by the sources. that are always partial.

There 's a legend about Cantimori Delio, a great historian. It seems he used to tell one of his most 'brilliant students, Berengo Marino, who became one of the most' great historians of the twentieth century: "you will understand 'to be dead only when light' on his death certificate" . Or to put it briefly: you who read, you read your death certificate?
Of course not, 'cause you're alive.

What I mean about the non-existence or otherwise of this or that order of Hitler wrote, and 'that the document, the source, and' a tool, not an idol . And the good historians are those who can not themselves to be exploited. To interpret the documents and provide a plausible interpretation, bearing in mind that any reconstruction and 'always partial.

That 's a statement very, very unpopular. Following the opening of Soviet archives (and not necessarily because 'Communism and' finished), I saw emergence in Italy is a theory that the documents speak for themselves. The interpretation, the context is not necessary. Just write down the source, and here alone the explanation of events. This conviction is, and 'established parallel to the sensationalism of the press - do you remember the diaries of Mussolini? that stopped his attention particularly on contemporary history. From left to show that fascism was not defeated, and was even wearing the clothes of Berlusconi and Gladio and P2 and sbroc sbroc. And from the right, to show that for half a century, Italy had actually lived under the threat of Soviet invasion, with the horses of the Cossacks that they watered in St. Peter's Square. And sbroc sbroc.

Why 'many Historians have provided to the game, took longer to publish 'research articles in the newspapers that series? For many reasons, including this one: the historical profession, as most 'in general, all the professions university, was under fierce attack in the form of university reform . In short one should live, and even if 'professor.

And so ', while Tangentopoli was rewriting the history of the country in courtrooms, and it' made its way to the bizarre idea that the facts speak for themselves and the documents merely reflect the facts. And historians have found themselves wearing the clothes of the court. That is invested in 'the power to pronounce sentences or acquittal on the basis of reconstruction of relationships and complicity '. Woytyla few years later he explained to the world that the Church was composed of men and that men are wrong. A massive rewriting of history, that too. Aimed at theatrical ceremonies in which Catholics absolved if 'themselves in the name of good faith.

I know, I know, "The judge and the historian 'and' the title of a book on the process Calabresi. But I'm talking about anything else. And I ask the readers, where do you think is the difference between the judge and historian? Leafing in the archives of the Inquisition trials, just as a Peter kept his indictments and have never managed to find a complete and satisfactory to this question. But an interim response, right now, and 'this: the judges pronounce sentences, or perform, since there are rules and laws. In the work of the historian are not there.

Now, take a look at this article here . Sensational revelation. The Nazi Reich finance itself conspicuous, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al Husseini, founder of Palestinian nationalism. Volume built that beautiful 50,000 marks per month (the pay of a senior officer was 25,000 marks a year ). German Nazis and nationalist Palestinian-say-shared some ideas about how to improve the world. Beh, non proprio una rivelazione sensazionale, che i due movimenti avessero qualcosa in comune era diciamo noto da tempo: il contesto, come dire, ci e' noto, e solo qualche allucinato alla estrema sinistra lo nega, ed ha la stessa credibilita' di quelli che ritengono che la Terra sia piatta .

Portare alla luce questo fatto signfica condannare i terroristi palestinesi in qualche tribunale di Norimberga? Magari ! , dico io. Purtroppo non va cosi', ed a considerare il nazismo per quello che e', come ho scritto qualche post fa, sono davvero in pochi. L'argomento delle complicita' nello sterminio e' decisamente impopolare, e di questi tempi sono in molti a pensare che "gli ebrei" have expropriated some of the highly profitable category of weak status of victims.

The point 'that Nazis and Jews , have become symbols that have little to do with reality' history. And any discussion of the tried and provatissime complicity 'in killing Palestinians and Islamic, is expected to meet the phony argument about the Stern gang, and their unrealistic project of alliance between Israel and the Nazi Reich. With whom the Nazis pulirono Q , preferring to divert cartload of money to the other front.

Why 'this need for symbols? Perche' chi gioca a fare il giudice con i fatti storici, non ha un apparato legale da applicare e in base al quale pronunciare condanne o assoluzioni. Ha un proprio ordine di valori, come tutti. Fino ad un certo punto, tra questi valori ci stava anche il progresso, ed ogni storico aveva una propria idea di progresso; che poi e' sparito dal Pantheon, o anche solo dalla cassetta degli attrezzi degli storici.

E io non sono sicuro che questo sia un male, ma magari lo spiego meglio un'altra volta. Grazie a chiunque vorra' intervenire. Non necessariamente storici, eh. 

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Come si poteva farne a meno. Gideon Levy,  il giornalista che invents news about the dogs, looking dejected effects last fire in northern Israel. Now, you must know that the search for the culprit, in Israel, 'a national sport.

Cosi', after this horrible fire, there are those who take issue with the ultra-orthodox Haredim and the minister who did not buy enough trucks, there are the Haredim who they pick on those who desecrate the Sabbath and then there 'Gideon Levy, who is also a fire reasons to unleash the usual refrain. It answers, for his part, Z blog: to read everything carefully, but in the meantime here's' a taste:

Scrive Levy:
This leads to the second, unavoidable conclusion, which should penetrate very deeply, not only among diplomats and commanders, but also among the many warmongers among us: the only existential option is integrating into the region.

Risposta di Z blog:
Ah, integrating into the region. How exactly? By establishing an absolute monarchy, either de facto or de jure ? By executing gays?  By establishing a one party state? By banning all forms of dissent?    By denying the existence of minorities?
Another problem with this argument, from Levy’s point of view, is that he and many who share his opinions think that Israel is already well on the way to abandoning democracy and  becoming a fascist  dictatorship.  If they really wanted Israel to integrate into the region then that’s something they should be applauding instead of bemoaning .

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Do You Put An Lpso Plush On Lpso

Europe and the Holocaust

Non leggete questo saggio . Limitatevi a metterlo nel bookmark, o insomma, a ricordarvi che esiste. E apritelo di nuovo, stavolta per leggerlo, quando la prossima Giornata della Memoria della Shoah sara' passata.

Perche' in that time will probably be a few things to say way you write Elisabeth Kuebler. And there will be 'need to remember that the Holocaust can' be told by adopting the perspective of the perpetrators [the Germans and their accomplices] victims [Jews], witnesses [the people of Europe] or minority not Jews who risked their lives to bring relief. Here, I hope that someone gets the question: by what point of view and 'above, the Holocaust, during Memorial Day?

Probably, what we have witnessed, during Memorial Day, will be 'was the latest attempt to remind the world (and agli ebrei) che non solo gli ebrei sono state vittime.  I governi europei sceglieranno infatti, come hanno fatto finora, di raccontare al mondo che non solo gli ebrei sono stati vittime dei nazisti. Al pari degli ebrei, racconteranno, anche greci ed ungheresi e lituani e russi e polacchi, sono tutti vittime.  

Poco importa che il progetto di sterminio, per dirne una, prendesse di mira esclusivamente ebrei e zingari. Siamo tutti vittime, no? E cosi' lo scomodo argomento della collaborazione con i nazisti [1], da parte di altri bravi cittadini europei, sara' passato sotto silenzio. Un'altra volta.

La Giornata della Memoria avra' celebrato l'eroismo dei singoli che trasgredirono le leggi mettendo in salvo dei vicini, o dei conoscenti, o a volte persino degli sconosciuti. Queste persone verranno indicati agli allievi delle scuole, come esempi da imitare. Con il sottinteso che se tutti fossero capaci di trasgredire quelle leggi, il mondo sarebbe stato migliore.

Ma nessuno spieghera' ai ragazzi per quale ragione furono in pochi a trasgredire le leggi razziste. Significativamente, l'istituzione europea che si occupa della Giornata della Memoria non ha tra i propri scopi il contrasto della propaganda antisemita. Ed in Europa ce ne e' parecchia . 

[1] Credete che The economic miracle of Germany in the fifties and sixties would have been possible without the assets accumulated during the Nazi era?

Friday, December 10, 2010

What Does The Hemin Look Like

Unionbirrai: the position of Claudio Cerullo

Le righe che seguono dovevano essere un commento al mio post "Unionbirrai: ripartire o perire". Ma considerato l'autore, Claudio Cerullo di Birra Amiata, e le cose che scrive ho deciso, dopo aver avuto il suo "via libera", di farne un post specifico. E' la prima volta che su questo blog succede. Se ci saranno validi motivi, non sarà l'ultima. E' ovviamente una questione di visibilità ma anche di maggior disponibilità alla discussione...

agree that the Italian craft beer is like a boy grew up quickly, the prey of love, idols and passions are always different and sometimes the one in contrast with the other. It 's time to bring clarity, order, moving from an idea of \u200b\u200bthe brewer less bohemian, genius, and more lawlessness and ideas with clear, specific objectives and a strategy real and straightforward. As you say rightly, that one chooses it clear that he wants to do and what beer segment.
This does not mean that the images of dreamy brewers through fields of barley that will be replaced by images of impersonal business, but the passage to mean something more structured, a second generation, as has already happened in other craft areas.
To do this requires that the craftsmen come together with a common DNA Assobirra not in the house of industry, but under a roof constructed to fit their needs and try to grow themselves in them and that contributes to the growth of the sector, perhaps in collaboration with other organizations on common objectives. This was my thought. Too bad for Unionbirrai, but who wants to give chances to those who have not chosen a side? After you join Assobirra there was a mobilization of many (including me) to push UB in the most critical positions, but without success. Do you think that are associated since 2006 and last newsletter did not mention my Christmas beer, while also mentioning other breweries are not associated with ... but it was just that. Nobody had informed me of the entry of Lelio, or UB President and one week by the Assembly have not yet been able to read the amendments to the statute that would bring. Simon is a friend and it has all my respect, but he found working in the quicksand of decisions not taken and the insufficient funds. In the companies, says it's easier to give birth to another child who raise the dead, in practice it is easier to make a new association to revive a now groping nell'asfissia.

Claudio Cerullo - Birra Amiata

But precisely because I have paid fees since 2006, which I label the logo Unionbirrai, the fact that there are members in meritorious life, volunteering for the scent of the founding fathers, who still feels for the name, though also used for personal rather than exclusively for the common good, known to many international players, I'd hate to see Unionbirrai perish, because I think he can still be useful. In fact, the craftsmen are rules and Perhaps utility services daily, but require credible partners and organized training in the work not so much and not just consumers, but also of the operators (operators, waiters, bartenders, etc..) and then have to explain and make known the products they selected customers. I believe that after the migration of many HB on Mobi and the possible transfer of many brewers, the last train, even honorable (or at least the story's already recognizes this activity), may be that training, creating a beer culture not only restricted to the tasting as an end in itself but to the knowledge of styles and origins, of the possible combinations in the kitchen, drinking responsibly, and why not, the history of the movement in Italy. To do this there are also plans, objectives, funding, mandates. You can not stand without the requirements. I will be meeting in the hope that we can work to create a useful, proactive training, to see people leave and volunteers work together to organize something serious and important, but especially visible outside the media and by consumers. This in my humble opinion is the way, the direction to go, so that UB should die or be exploited by someone else that could be used to want to destroy what could not be born and to grow the movement as needed.
Claudio Cerullo

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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latest academia

Imagine a doctoral thesis entitled The persecution of Catholics, a racist invention . Or another doctoral thesis in which, after clarifying that in USA, in 2009, the number of acts of Islamophobia and 'was ridiculously low (which and' true , eh), the applicant claims that the whole issue Islamophobia is a kind of conspiracy.

I think the two candidates above have little chance 'to discuss their case.

Instead, think a bit 'what luck, this young lady doctorate has been debating for a hundred pages on "victimhood of the Powerful," about Jewish racism and the Zionist conspiracy that forces children to learn blacks by heart the legend of the Holocaust. Or something 'for them'.

Yes ', of course, Miss and' Jewish. As Rosa Luxemburg, who two years before his death in 1917, wrote to a friend that it had no place in his heart for the suffering of the Jewish people. Imports of most 'the sufferings of others.

me these people are really worth. Their ebraismo consiste in un vago impegno per la giustizia sociale, che poi si riduce a una specie di era messianica in cui cadranno le distinzioni tra ebrei e non ebrei. Come voleva Paolo. E vabbe', se essere ebreo ti pesa, vien da dire, fatti tuoi. Nessuno ti obbliga, grazie a Dio, a stare da questa parte di quella che tu credi sia una barriera di separazione dal resto del mondo. 

Ma nulla, questi continuano a sognare un mondo in cui tutti gli ebrei potranno (o saranno costretti a) gettare via questa imbarazzante appartenenza. Giusto per non sbagliarsi, loro preferiscono sbarazzarsene prima. Sicche' la loro militanza per la giustizia sociale si riduce a una crociata contro "organizzazioni ebraiche" rich and powerful, with the Elders of Zion to the command.

The PhD student devotes the first chapter of his thesis to the story of his ideological journey. That is: the contemplation of his navel. Probably part of the cultural atmosphere of these years, dominated (also) from the culture of whining : pathological cases of people from low self-esteem ', in order to redeem themselves, they feel obliged efforts in campaigns against the mills wind, and more 'the battle, and' self-destructive, more 'feel heroes. Their psychological problems. Epper, 'the University' to become the space to exhibit, this neurosis, it makes me feel anyway.

For a change, and 'a kind of delirium, as I said above, is targeting the Jews and not other groups. But think how lucky.

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This is the Manifesto of Little Monsters.

There is something heroic about the way my fans operate their cameras. So precisely, so intricately and so proudly. Like Kings writing the history of their people, is their prolific nature that both creates and procures what will later be percieved as the kingdom. So, the real truth about Lady Gaga fans, my little monsters, lies in this sentiment: They are the Kings. They are the Queens. They write the history of the kingdom and I am something of a devoted Jester. It is in the theory of perception that we have established our bond, or the lie I should say, for which we kill. We are nothing without our image. Without our projection. Without the spiritual hologram of who we percieve ourselves to be or rather to become, in the future.

When you are lonely,
I will be lonely too.
And this is the fame.

Love and Art
Lady Gaga

The concert was fantastic: it contained a single event in many small shows, because every song, every interlude, every speech had a stage set, a costume and a different theme. Listen and see Gaga = catharsis. His speeches
and his lyrics seemingly superficial hidden depths, and also causes a gloom that impresses me so much. I thought it was not so tied to his fans and his way of seeing the world.

I left, as well as a beautiful memory of the concert that I shared with my best friend Simon, an empty feeling (in fact, the catharsis) and a feeling of doubt that I was really thinking. Indeed Gaga leaves you surprised because never imagine a vision of things as his own. She is free from everything, from every thought of every injury, but is also attentive to the smallest details of life, relationships, psychology (which is perfectly with the suoi "monsters" presenti nell'ultimo album).

Soprattutto i video degli interlude, ricchi di simboli che riflettono la società, trasmettono queste sensazioni. Ho voluto riportare qui sul mio blog i due più importanti per me: il Manifesto of Little Monsters e l' Exorcist .
In particolare il primo, inquietante e angosciante, presenta l'idea-base di Gaga, che si fonda sui suoi fans che piano piano costruiscono "Gaga". Crea anche un legame particolare con loro, come se avessero un vincolo indissolubile "When you are lonely, I will be lonely too" .
Vorrei porterla rivedere ancora, spero torni presto in Italia!

ps: Lanvin x H & M tee

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Remember Hawaii

In a placid day, Although cold, like today my mind flies to Hawaii and my heart melts. After this heart attack book (sic) continues signaling to anyone who had the opportunity of syrup a significant number of flight hours (but only five are from San Francisco) the opportunity to enjoy the fabulous Kona Brewing Company beers at Ohau , the main island of the archipelago. That, just to clarify, with Honolulu, Waikiki Beach and Pearl Harbour. And 'here that, hidden in a shopping area, is the second pub flagship of the brewery's most famous Hawaiian. Only Kona beers
teaching at Koko Marina
on tap, and some reference is also available in bottles, of course, and a cuisine that combines pub food contamination with the island. As often happens in the U.S., the best choice is to venture into the so-called "sample" glasses that allow impulse to make almost one complete revolution of all or most of the labels. Okay, it's more sad than having a pint in hand but could not exit and when he gets back in the car. Overall it should be noted that Kona knows those of their craft, in the sense that all their beers are more than correct with peaks of considerable interest, especially for specialty "creative "....
Il "sampler"
Dalla Longboard Island Lager, luppolata ma equilibratissima lager da bere a qualsiasi ora della giornata, alla Fire Rock Pale Ale, una delle migliori a mio avviso, passando per, appunto, le più caratterizzate Wailua Wheat, birra di frumento con frutto della passione che le dona un tocco vagamente esotico e per niente stucchevole, alla morbida Pipeline Porter dove appare, tra gli ingredienti, una percentuale di caffè Kona coltivato su Big Island (dove si trova lo stesso birrificio). Birre dunque, anche in un posto vacanziero come sono le Hawaii, che non si rivelano mai blande o semplicemente beverine but who can differentiate themselves from the ever-present, major industrial brands. But, in addition to quality, I like to emphasize the great care that the brewers Kona dedicated to the image of their products. And brightly colored labels, images, comics and almost always related to the imaginary Hawaii (the waves, surfing, dancing the hula girls, waterfalls ...), merchandising (shirts, hats, bottle holder, minitavole surf) and so saying. This clearly shows that, in these parts, the quality of the product goes hand in hand with the image. Word is not demonized for cross pauper or hypocritical, as in most cases, indifference by craftsman shaggy, but its sales potential in cultured and successful. Of course, quality is the foundation of the house, but without the roof there will never no. That said, I can also enjoy the sunset ...
Sunset at Waikiki