Thursday, February 24, 2011

Prince Musicology Concert Dvd

Interinale da 2 anni di fila...

testimony received via email:

hello if you're interested I wanted to give my experience testimonanzia
Interim still in progress ...

In short by two years while working as a stocker for a famous
pharmaceutical company, I find myself still temporary, as the only
assumptions are the sons of former employees and people with strong
policy recommendations. The "trick" or as I call it deception
is that the company guarantees the agency and the worker
52 weeks which can then become 80 and the end 104 (
according to the agreement with the union). Probably say that it is impossible
But no, because the company and the temporary agency compliant
turn agree to reach a maximum of 6 extensions
after which the worker is off for 10 days and then restarting summary
so again. In stock

work in 25 people maximum in turn ....
20 are temporary ... multiply everything by 2 and add shifts
who for one reason or another employee is injured off the job or
sick or has to take a day off ..
this is subtracted because it does not have time in most cases a mature
holidays that start up each time. Besides the huge problem of tax return
cud ecc... in cui mi arrivano
a casa un cud per ogni contratto .. di lavoro .

Spero che questa possa aprire gli occhi a qualcuno su come le agenzie
di lavoro sono diventati i nuovi schiavisti legalizzati del 2000 ,
qualcuno degli interinali si difenisce un "mercenario" ma in realtà
siamo solo schiavi .. perchè sulla carta abbiamo gli stessi diritti dei
lavoratori normali nella realtà prova a chiedere gli stessi diritti poi
vedi come sarai licenziato in tronco .


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