Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blond Chunks For Hair

Happy birthday Pearl Shores!

E' passato un anno da quando ho aperto il blog. Mi sembra strano perché è stato un anno pieno di avvenimenti positivi, che mi hanno fatto vivere una realtà diversa da quella quotidiana!
Ho viaggiato abbastanza fra Torino e Milano, Roma, Firenze per capire che la moda è fondamentale nelle nostre lives so it is not only something more private, connected to a restricted circle of people, but open to all. We understand even by the likes of Anna of Russia, which experts in the field has opened up her world to readers of his blog.

However, open a certain type of blog means to publish their own lives: Is this the mistake that many bloggers do. Declare their preferences regarding the style does not mean to publish every aspect of private life. I unfortunately I did and I regret it, and who continues to do so or have broad shoulders or live in a world completely foreign to the reality that does not understand the error. My blog, in time, tried to break away from this dimension.
's why I only write when I have time and desire: I want to give space to other aspects of life.

I think you have opened this blog was one of the best things that could ever happen to me, not so much for the comments, nor the consensus, but because I had the good fortune to meet many people and because I could visit some I had never visited that city. Then, I finally was able to attend events, fashion week, for one of my dreams.

So, not to prolong the discussion too, I thank all the readers who read and comment on my post, I follow up on my Facebook profile, or through the fanpage, or on Twitter. INFINITISSIME THANKS TO ALL, THAT IS FOR CONSENT FOR THE CRITICAL. Surely without you I would not have done what I could do.

And I can not forget to thank all the people who helped me and gave me advice, like Eleanor, Veronica F, Clare, Heather Blue, Mel, and many others.
It remains only to say one thing:



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