Conspiracies and Narcisi Claim number 1 - The Bush foreign policy, especially regarding the war in Iraq, and 'was sustained by neocoservative .
Statement Number 2 - A clique of fanatical Jews and evangelical and 'gripped the White House and affects foreign policy .
There are a sea of \u200b\u200bdifferences between the two statements, but what interests me more 'and' identity 'of those who support them.
The number 1 and 'those who believe that the formulation of foreign policy of a State shall be guided by a multitude of factors: economic, political, strategic and intellectual circles with the support of a particular doctrine. He also has a tone more 'uncertain of the number 2: This seems out of the mouth of someone believed to have discovered a secret principle that explains the entire universe. And if you're not agree with him you are in the pay of the clique known.
Claim number 3 - With a shrewd press campaign and through its control of media, these people require the consent of their policy.
This statement, as you can see, it seems a logical consequence of the assertion number 2, while it 's harder to see it as a consequence of the assertion number 1. I mean 'to say, the claim number 1 is from a person who could very well be in disagreement with the famous neoconservative [true?] But to support his opinion does not need to label all who disagree with him as people who do not understand anything about politics, naive, ignorant, accomplices of the enemy and so on. etc.. Who supports the assertion number 2, that 'does not seek to participate in a discussion, but mainly to convince the world that he has an intellect more' long, more 'insightful, more' sharp.
Take a look at this schemino here. It comes from the blog of Leonardo, an elapsed since that also here.
The uncertainty reigns. The definition of democracy seems to be: wherever there were elections once. This is not ', because in a democracy elections are periodic, for example in Gaza today, there' a certain regime democratic and the Parliament 'had expired several years, and new elections were called. Also difficult to track down who they would fundamentalist Jews. They are probably all those who speak of self-determination of the Jewish people and not applaud the wonderful projects Hamas of peaceful coexistence between Jews and Muslims, the first and second with no rights the right to empty latrines on Jews in prayer. On the other hand, and 'went well' for centuries, 'cause you should change? It 'a local tradition not to be eradicated.
If so 'things are, ie if Leonardo Zionism and' synonymous with fundamentalism religious stomach-if you read the blog of Leonardo, please Show me if I'm wrong - you can 'conclude that Leonardo did not understand a strawberry. For the simple fact that Zionism, aka Jewish nationalism, and 'a secularizing movement, which seeks to transform or identity' politics and that 'an identity' religious.
But above all, the caricature that is Leonardo's neoconservative ideology fits tremendously well to statements 2 and 3 above. And 'in fact, the propaganda, through the popular media control, the neocons require Western nations to the benefit of Jews, especially those fundamentalists. A version revised dell'adagio that was in vogue in Italy in the early forties: Jews wanted war .
I repeat the question above: When Leonardo supports this theory, tries to say what if 'yourself? That the neocon propaganda and 'insidious and subtle, but he' s smart and he knows how to subtract. That he 's able to see the secret plan that is under the events. And that's a damn afraid of fundamentalist Jews and Muslims than not. Despite the negligible given that the Islamic fundamentalists have killed many more 'than they have killed Muslims are "fundamentalist Jews" - this has any meaning expression. Leonardo tells us that he did not care anything about the number of deaths (and not just Arabs) and that he still knows more 'long with everyone. And if you do not agree with him, you are in the pay of the enemy.
Leonardo probably thinks he's original. The fact 'that, in Catholic circles a few decades ago, is propaganda (as I mentioned above) very similar things, dictated by the same kind of fears. And by the same sense of powerlessness that is angry to see that the foreign policy of a major world powers-that and 'also the main ally of the country where you are-e' led by others (Protestants, conservative) and not those similar to you (Catholics, communists).
There 's a legend about Silvio Berlusconi. In the nineties harangued Mediaset executives with a speech like this: "Your client, when you wake up, you look in the mirror and sees a jerk. Our job to 'sell something that asshole that makes him forget that and 'a jerk. " Perhaps it 's true, and perhaps explains something of the political success of Berlusconi. But try to imagine what they see in the mirror, just woken up, readers of Leonardo. They see a guy who has so many wonderful ideas for the future of humanity ', such as the sun of, or the Fourth of Pelizza by Volpedo, which with its advanced hunting the bad guys and the exploiters with the sheer force dei buoni ideali. E solo se e' proprio necessario, ovvero se gli avversari sono ebrei con la folle idea della autodeterminazione, puo' ricorrere agli attentati.
Pero' questo tizio che sta nello specchio e' un fallito . Non vince le elezioni da almeno un decennio, e -quando mai le ha vinte ed ha mandato al governo qualcuno simile a lui (perlomeno piu' simile di quanto lo sia Silvio Berlusconi)- questo qualcuno ha perso le elezioni successive. Le sue brillanti idee cioe' non sono popolari. Non riesce a convincere gli altri italiani che lui conosce il loro bene meglio di quanto loro conoscano il proprio. E la democrazia non lo sta aiutando - Will be 'why, as we saw above, does not like, consider it a trick of the neocon idealists going manner to fuck those who call themselves "Islamic fundamentalists".
what is' worse the guy, he feels the grip of forces that can not 'control - the globalization of markets that threatens the wages, so to speak. And 'obviously something that makes everyone feel insecure, but if the voters of the League takes issue with immigrants, someone gets angry with the neocons who control the world politics by the interests of Israel. Conspiracy Theories based on the idea that there is an inner circle of handlers of occult forces, are also spread to the right, and when the League talk about globalism takes exactly that kind of delusional rhetoric. Among voters loser-always-left, the neocon conspiracy theory can be reason of his political failure. I can not convince anyone that I'm right, this obviously depends on the fact that others are victims of the neocon propaganda, corporate sbroc sbroc, that the Jews control the media. Instead I, who have the cunning that the other lacks (even if you do not see the gray in my daily life) I see much better than all of you and I will not be fooled by this talk about democracy. Circular reasoning, adapted to compensate for the sense of failure with narcissistic fantasies.
Il narcisista, recitano i manuale di psicologia, e' un tizio con una bassa stima di se', che vive per poter impressionare il resto del mondo. Il resto del mondo, cioe', esiste solo per riempirlo di lodi ed ammirazione, per dargli quella stima che da solo non e' capace di avere. Un interessante conoscitore del narcisismo, e narcisista lui stesso, e' Sam Vaknin: una carriera interessante, iniziata facendo un sacco di soldi nella City, seguito da una condanna per frode (i narcisisti hanno questa tendenza ad ingannare se' stessi ed il resto del mondo) e successivamente da uno studio delle conseguenze del narcisismo -che secondo lui e' un disturbo non curabile- nella sfera pubblica. Se la cosa vi interessa, trovate
qui i suoi scritti.
Torniamo al narcisista di cui sopra, che ha tante buone idee ma non e' compreso dal mondo crudele. Immaginatevelo al centro di un cerchio. Il cerchio e' composto da specchi. Ecco, lui vive dentro quella realta', quando guarda fuori dal cerchio vede solo la sua immagine riflessa. Gli specchi gli rimandano le sue stesse teorie e se siete d'accordo con lui (ovvero che il mondo e' soggetto alle manovre di una cricca ristretta di neocon) lui apprezzera' il supporto ricevuto e passera' a propagare le sue teorie ad un altro uditorio. Se non siete d'accordo con lui, state attentando alla sua autostima, siete suoi nemici personali, e le vostre motivazioni hanno sempre un qualcosa di oscuro, malato, cattivo ed incomprensibile. Perche' non state contribuendo alla discussione, state attentando a un personaggio buono, limpido e ragionevole - un Oplita del Bene.
Di nuovo (che palle doverlo specificare) questo modo di organizzare la propria identita' non e' esclusivo dei sostenitori di sinistra, e probabilmente lo trovate anche a destra - Berlusconi e' stato un maestro nel ridurre la politica al gioco del chi non e' con me e' contro di me , e-rema-contro. Ma le fantasie consolatorie caratteristiche del narcisismo fanno piu' danni a chi le coltiva quando perde, ed in questo momento non e' la destra, quella che perde.
I think it's fairly well known myth of Narcissus, which analysts use to explain what is narcissism. Narcissus and 'a beautiful young man who refuses to love other people not himself, and drowns while contemplating his own image. Refuse, ie, 'to see in real life' more than the confirmation of the high idea he has of '- and it dies. Take a look at the continuing descent of the electoral support of the Left, particularly the version of the phony, and it will be 'clear what it means in terms of actuality',
die drowned .
But you can also try to read, surpassing hectoliters of boredom, the proposals coming from the left for a hypothetical post-Berlusconi. That, if only for age reasons, and 'almost around the corner, Berlusconi is not' young. Can you find something clear, in that stuff? I, a voter on the left, all the days of 'a look at least two Italian newspapers NO. I see a great mobilization against the satrap of Arcore, the billionaire former grizzled Brianza, the despot TV etc.. etc.. With what to replace it? Who knows. Whatever-It's-what-better, I say, and that 'the classic non-answer.
In Talmud Babli, in Nedarim 9b, is a rewrite of (or response to) the story of Narcissus. A young and beautiful, pastor sees his reflection in a well and is about to fall in love, when he hears a voice tell him that one and 'a door to enter a world not his own. "
That and 'a dark expression, but it makes good sense of disorientation and frustration. What phony Hoplites of Good and trying to recover from building a house of conspiratorial fantasies and images of himself 'themselves, caught in the moment reveal the plot. Contemplate on this if 'themselves that they are right and the world at last from' them straight. Will happen ', must surely be; and if not done now, and 'cause we are the bad guys who plot.
Why ', you know the rest of the world would follow already' now the good ideas of the good were it not that the media is controlled by the usual bad, to the interests of ... come on, not do I have to repeat, is not it?