Saturday, January 22, 2011

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Beer of the Year - It was discussed about the contest ... Hipster

Avoided Apecchio of hibernation in that, in the Marche, where I went to visit seals from Collesi , a snowfall was more suited for Iditarod that a taste in place of beer, it hangs up with the blog and a post that I hope will give rise to a comparison between the different "souls" of the Italian craft beer. Then, a few days ago I received a text message from Nicola Perra, brewer of solid and deserved reputation of Brewery Barley, who criticize the manner prescribed by the imminent Beer of the Year, which was organized by Unionbirrai che vedrà la premiazione dei vincitori a Rimini, il 19 febbraio, durante Selezione Birra . Nicola, in poche parole, critica la composizione delle categorie che mettono in ballo birre diverse all'interno dello stesso campo di gioco (così, su due piedi, penso alle chiare di ispirazione tedesca, basso grado alcolico ma alta e bassa fermentazione). Il giudizio di Nicola è che "UB ha fatto un brutto passo falso sulla via della divulgazione della cultura birraria di cui, per anni, è stata promotrice".

Nicola Perra e le sue birre

But is the conclusion of the SMS Nicholas alarmed me: "Needless to say, not as a brewery will participate in this farce and I regret that since the jury has all my respect." None of the beers at Barley Beer of the Year then? If so his absence, in my opinion, would be the heavy. I spoke with Nicholas, also to be allowed to report here the contents of his text messages, and is convinced of its positions. Knowing him, is estimated, I thought I agreed with him to make it public here, but at the same time, I decided to involve the leaders of Unionbirrai to gain from them an explanation. To me the technique of lynching, the stone thrown or public ridicule do not like much but I know that others think differently than me. However, joking aside, the answers came in the persons of UB Alessio and Marco Leone Giannasso, Unionbirrai responsible for training, both on the committee that drew up the various categories. I simply propose them in the hope that we can discuss it in the first place and secondly, it is my personal hope, Nicola think again.
Here, then, the opinion of Alessio Leone : "Months ago, during the development of new categories, we faced the problem is whether to continue with the policy hitherto undertaken by UB (a category that is defined by the its parameters "technical") or abbracciare la pratica diffusa in quasi tutti i concorsi birrari di chiamare ogni categoria con lo stile di riferimento, e solo dopo aggiungere le descrizioni tecniche. La seconda opzione sarebbe risultata più semplice sia per i giudici, sia per i birrai che per tutti quanti; secondo UB però questo avrebbe compromesso la nostra libertà rispetto alle tradizioni birrarie, e si è quindi optato per la prima opzione.
Posto quello, c'era la necessità di far fronte a una quantità notevole di birra iscritte nel 2010: si è pensato ad un primo ampliamento delle categorie, che è quello che avremo al campionato in arrivo. Certamente ci sono delle categorie "ibride", nelle quali confluiscono birre con parametri non esattamente uguali, but certainly not completely different: for example, could be a category "Kolsch", but with two or three beers entered what would be the credibility of the awards? These 20 categories were then tested with simulation based on the 300 + beers entered in the past year.
The only real problem I see today and rereading is a certain lack of immediacy, it is precisely defined by technical parameters and not names of styles known and shared. But really the only flaw I see in several months in a work prepared by a group that has faced the challenges of a constantly growing market like ours.
I believe that the work, either positively or negatively, can and should only be judged at the end of the competition. "

Beer del'Anno 2011
And then the words of Marco Giannasso :" Leo expressed perfectly the motivations and methods that have brought us to these categories. I would only add that the latter could still define "macro categories" as they have been grouped in different styles each. The consolidations have been made in order to have beers with different parameters of production and tasting sensations as similar as possible. It 'clear that the optimal situation would probably avere una categoria per ogni stile, ma, come ha già detto Leo, il numero non ancora grandissimo di birre in concorso non ci permette di fare ciò. Con l'aumentare delle partecipanti si renderanno necessarie ulteriori modifiche e nuovi ampliamenti e questo lo si farà al momento opportuno. Quest'anno abbiamo fatto già un grosso passo in avanti rispetto alle passate edizioni. Infine un'ultima considerazione: grazie ai nostri birrai, caratterizzati da fantasia ed inventiva, questa catalogazione risulterà sempre abbastanza complicata in quanto ci presentano spesso prodotti che si potrebbero definire unici. Ma del resto se anche si volessero iscrivere queste birre "particolari" ad un altro qualsiasi concorso internazionale credo che non si troverebbe even there the category that fits perfectly for all participants. "

Here, these are the statements, also endorsed by Simone Monetti, of Unionbirrai. I have already asked Nicola to respond as it sees fit (including the model of the post by Claudio Cerullo), the argument seems to me serious and "deep" and Beer of the Year is a national competition which has always been to quality and juries have been able to distinguish the national scene. Put in crisis could be a serious error, instead of questioning is always legitimate. Especially when the arguments, and who expresses them, deserves the respect of everyone.


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