Saturday, January 29, 2011

do not know if Franco would remember me. Of course I remember him - a man with his eyes as a boy, that one evening a week for what was next to me was the port of entry, or exit from Milan. With a big bunch of anarchist journals, and a bag full of books.

We had heard over the phone years ago when I was still a schoolboy and, together with some contemporary, I wanted to know more 'about the history of conscientious objection. Pasello Franco in 1976 had nearly two months in jail, including military and civilian, not to respond to the state - even when the arrival 'of the postcard leave he returned' to the sender. It was the most 'famous anarchist objector of Italy and someone there / had given me his phone number.

After years we were there ', I was a university student in Milan raged the eighties, and I had many chats with Franco. I often took home titles from the magazines bombastic "Will '", "Humanity' Nova '... Pages where Israeli or jew were never synonymous oppressor.

And even with a good book, it '. Memorable one on the CT ., That gentleman, an anarchist himself, who had filled in Milan written indestructible, explaining that the church kills you with the wave. The book, if you happen, read it. Despite the spartan look and self-produced, and 'one of the best history books of the twentieth century - the authors have made tracing the origins of the obsession of CT for the killer waves and found a mass psychosis of the early twentieth century. ;

Franco Pasello distributing books and magazines. baker by profession, was that the anarchists have done so for a couple of centuries, distributed print, words, with the belief that it could blow up the world and have it fall back to earth in a form more 'correct. In the English Civil War, when the clerical-fascists killed all traces of civilization ', and the communists killed the counter Camillo Berneri , anarchists taught farmers how to read and write. Because 'the Republic could end, but this will remain' with you forever.

Pasello Franco was not intended to recruit - was not even affiliated with any of, somewhat contentious, organizations anarchiche italiane. Conosceva tutti, ed era conosciuto da tutti gli anarchici d'Italia - il primo obiettore totale... e dai loro simpatizzanti di varia gradazione. Tra cui io. Io che, anche quando mi ero ormai trasferito a Milano  mi trovavo ogni tanto a chiaccherare con lui. Gli parlavo dei miei viaggi in Israele. Progettavo un sito web sul C.T. Che non si e' fatto mai. Franco aveva piu' di un dubbio su questa roba chiamata Internet: lui usava ancora la macchina da scrivere.

Anni dopo ho ri-incontrato Franco Pasello. Mentre ci si batteva per i diritti civili dei Sinti e dei Rom, ho fatto qualche amicizia, e guarda un po' cosa si va a scoprire, da anni Franco girava per gli stessi campi in cui I turned around. Or those neighbors, I visited trying to find a way for the right to water and education, for example. And also to not be chased away from the piece of land you bought [this happened and still happens, the Roma in Italy: the face of the properties' private sacred and inviolable, in spite of the Constitution]. I was trying to put on paper a series of extraordinary stories, I hoped to write a book about Gypsies Italian Resistance to Fascism and not think I need to explain what was important. One born of the Resistance in Italy, where the mayors of the left and right negotiated transactions evictions "nomads". It was the anniversary of the arrival of the first Romanian Roma in Italy, and Franco was spending, generous as always, for their rights: hospitality ', residence permits, food, water life.

The stories that I was collecting remained handwritten, write on many notebooks, along with impressions, notes, taboo ', genealogies, sold, convictions and acquittals. Franco, gave me a hand to figure it out, in this complicated world. And those books have remained in Italy, close the book on CT

I heard just now, by chance. Franco Pasello, just and generous man, and 'dead last October. Anarchists have a grandiloquent funerary tradition, their graves are often monuments, the deployment of a funeral chants and flags. Franco, individualistic as ever, did not want anything like that, but just that you did a party in her honor.

And I, for the first time in recent years, I wanted to be in Italy.


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