Monday, January 24, 2011

How Many Levels Are There Of Cubefield?

Jerusalem and dreams of phony

Yaacov Lozowick and 'an Israeli historian, former director of the archives of Yad Vashem. For a long time supporter of the "two states for two peoples", and 'also an active opponent of the division of Jerusalem. In this interesting post lists the possible scenarios that could arise. This assumption is more 'optimistic [a Schengen treaty between Israelis and Palestinians and the transformation of the entire Middle East into a sort of European Union] to those more' tragic, and alas' likely that recall - at best- Gorizia after the war, Sarajevo and when it's bad in the nineties.

a difference: those two cities', before being divided along lines of ethnicity, politics, religion ..., were unknown to the population of Planet Earth, with the exception of population. While Jerusalem and 'known to the world. Lozowick shows how the current situation is by far the best, and indeed no accident that the Arab inhabitants of Jerusalem seem happy to be living in the capital of Israel and have long ago sent to the attic dreams of revenge

Lozowick and 'used to work in archives, and since it is' a precise manner, he has published a series of posts that illustrate the difficulties '-to-be generous for the proposed division of Jerusalem. If you're interested, you can read here an introduction and how they 'arrived at the current proposals, from the growth of the city' in its western part (in the sovereignty of Israel ') that date since 1949, and' parallel the ruin of the eastern part, which until 1967 was under sovereignty 'Jordan. They also discussed the proposed division, and their consequences in a number of districts: the City 'at Old , Mamilla , Abu Tor, until' area around the Shepherd Hotel , and the much 'talked about in recent days. To put it in three words, quoting Samuel Goldwyn: and 'im-possible .

So the question arises: if the division of the capital of Israel 's bullshit, or-worse-a risky business, why so' many people believe is a prerequisite for any peace process begin? The application and 'extraordinarily complicated, and I do not expect to find an answer.

One might begin to observe that, assuming that Jerusalem has an important status in Islam, not 'not true that Islam is opposed to sovereignty' on the Jewish land of Israel. And in fact the major commentators of the Quran have always maintained good right of Jews to live in their land, with an appendix splatter like "the lost because they 'were not enough dogs with bloody infidels who wanted to take it to him." The most 'major commentator on the Qur'an, Tabari to the view that the land given by God to the Jewish people includes not only Jerusalem, but also Danasco. Unfortunately, the commentaries of the Qur'an, usually printed next to the sacred text, grammar is very sophisticated, and I put a suit who wants to make Islam a political religion and even less to those with little familiarity with the Arabic of the Koran.

So what was the majority view in the Islamic world, and now 'virtually disappeared, replaced by the cabal that Jerusalem and' third city 'holy Islam and the existence of the State of Israel on Arab soil and sacred' an offense that devout Muslims should washed with blood. And that 'a common position, but very recent that has' gained ground in the Islamic religious institutions more' or less beginning in the era of Nasser and Egypt. In the face of the old tradition. You will be surprised to discover that the mica Arab fascists, just like the Italian fascists, trying to make religion an instrument of government, right? Nasser has done just that, with the difference that the Egyptian Islamic academies sono quelle a cui guardano tutti i religiosi islamici sunniti.

Ripeto la domanda: se Gerusalemme non e' cosi' importante per i devoti musulmani, e se i locali residenti arabi, passato qualche anno di incazzatura, si sono fatti una ragione e convivono tranquillamente con i loro concittadini ebrei, dove sta il problema? Perche' persone che a Gerusalemme non vivono, e il piu' delle volte manco la hanno visitata, continuano a parlare della imprescindibile necessita' di dividerla, dell'urgenza di ridimensionare le pretese ebraiche e via di sbroc sbroc fino a raggiungere la pace nel mondo, che sicuramente arrivera' non appena gli ebrei avranno trangugiato qualche altra umiliazione?

And I repeat that there is not the answer I have. Pero 'everyone knows that "internationalizing Jerusalem' and 'mantra favored by the Vatican, which fails to agree to its component pro-Israel, with its pro-Palestinian component. Did you know that there are two hospitals in Jerusalem, the Franciscans, both French, and one has a phone number ex-Jordanian, Palestinian now, and the other has an Israeli? To tell you the casino. and Internationalization 'for the Vatican a convenient way to wash their hands inside the casino, which covers a city' in which, at least three centuries, each variant of Christianity, the Copts to the Mormons, feels obliged to invest in hotels to house the clergy in training, and the pilgrims (from a couple of decades) and tourists alike.

So do not be surprised to discover that the largest landowner in Jerusalem and 'the Greek Orthodox Church, whose members are not exactly very happy with the Islamic radicalism that grows on their side - looking for a reason the approach of Greece Israel, which inexplicably is sending Turkey to the headphones? Here it is that you have.

The mantra of the Vatican can internationalization 'is probably due to theological positions, after all the destruction of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Temple and the expulsion of Jews from that city ', was read for centuries as the proof of the truth' of Christianity and the error of the Jews, who had not recognized the true messiah. Or maybe got to do some clerical-fascist past , when civilization 'Cattolica recommended to Mussolini the segregation of Jews and a generation of young intellectuals like fascists or Amintore Fanfani Gabriele De Rosa dreamed "the Rivic of Arius' against Protestants and Jews who had eaten the spirit of European nations. That generation of intellectuals was then passed, a few decades later, a third world osteno positions within the DC, and then express sympathy for Arab nationalists. The stench of their eredita' e' ancora in giro, come si rende conto chiunque apra uno qualsiasi dei blog sbroccotronici, che sono tutti laici e atei ed anticlericali, ma hanno sempre, da qualche parte, il loro bravo "prete in periferia che va avanti nonoffftante il Vaticano" come cantava Jovannotti.

Ci saranno quindi pregiudizi religiosi , alla radice della diffusione della bufala internazionalizzante. Non ne sono cosi' sicuro, perche' ho perso il contatto con il mondo cattolico italiano. Nei Paesi in cui ho vissuto ultimamente, se il Pontefice dichiara che la pace e' meglio della guerra, non ha tutto lo spazio che ha nelle TV italiane. Fa notizia anzi poche volte e quando dice scempiaggini sul preservativo o la pedofilia , The editors of major newspapers agree that this is, indeed, of nonsense. When crossing the Litizzetto on YouTube with his Emineenz not find it (plus') and irreverent yawn. Really, I'm away, I do not have the qualifications to pronounce on what is happening in the Catholic world in Italy.

Pero 'I can speak of the Jewish world. And the legend that the division of Jerusalem will come down 'need for peace, and' widespread even within the Jewish world, in the phony - that and 'alas' strong presence on the web and plays the role of rationality. Never mind how they dress those clothes - usually targeting and accusing someone of being a dangerous extremist. 'S the classic rhetorical trick of the pacifists, who call themselves such, implicitly accusing the world of being warmongers.

even the patience of readers, but this dispute inside the Jewish world has historical roots - as distorted by the web chat. Go back to the twenties, the years in which Palestinian nationalism took shape and the Jews who lived in the Land of Israel were massacred. The British looked on, unsure whether to take the parts of the Jews (to whom they promised a state in an area comprising Israel and now Jordan) or the Arab sheiks, with whom the Foreign Office was intertwined relationships. If you're wondering why the Jews did not respond to the massacres and the answer ' havlagah , containment. Trying to maintain good relations with the British, all the organizations of Jewish self-defense held to the line of non-intervention, so much 'true that the first attacks on Jewish defense when they started, they were shockingly naive.

See for example, Shlomo Ben Yossef, a guy who could not even handle a gun and suddenly 'an ambush against a patrol Arab army, which for months was a shooting on passers-by who were heading hospital Hebrew. Mistake 'aim, the British captured him and sent him to the gallows, after having filled the tub with the express intention of renderloirriconoscibile "even for that bitch of his mother." A treatment that did not allow Arab prisoners. All this, in 1938.

But let's step back: August 1929. Arab nationalism is essentially in two groups that are based on clans, Husseini and Nashashibi, in fierce fighting among themselves. The more 'cynical and fanatical of Husseini, and' managed to get the maximum authority to appoint 'Islamic religious (Mufti) and e' enraged with the Socialist ideas that come into his estate, portate da questi europei le cui donne sono un attentato alla moralita'. Pensate che questi ebrei stanno introducendo il pericoloso principio secondo cui tutti devono avere accesso all'acqua. Se facciamo cosi' avremo presto un Parlamento, e saranno cazzi per tutti. Nel 1921 c'e' gia' stata una ondata di violenze contro la popolazione ebraica, in coincidenza con una importante festivita' musulmana locale, e in presenza di decine di migliaia di pellegrini (armati, viaggiare da quelle parti era una roba pericolosa). 

Nel 1929 un gruppo di intellettuali ebrei nazionalisti decide che ne ha le tasche piene, e organizza una manifestazione al Kotel, il Muro del Pianto, il luogo piu' sacro Judaism. 'Cause an event? Because 'the British were in the throes of trying to appease Paturnie pro-Arab and exaltation of Husseyni. who was in heat pro-fascist , and the British could not understand what were the plans of Mussolini with regard to the Mediterranean or Africa, which they deemed their stuff. Then, and just make no mistake, The British decide to forbid Jews access to the Wall, in its day the most 'sacred Hebrew calendar.
The group of nationalist intellectuals of the above, which probably mattered little of religion, but a lot of dignity and self-defense ', is organizing a demonstration to Wall, with deployment of flags and (for the first time in history), the Zionist anthem, and now that 'the national anthem of Israel. A group of dissolute and reckless? Perhaps - but the fact is 'that accompany them, in the challenge to the British colonial power, were indeed many, of the most' diverse political affiliations, the Zionist-socialist or communist, to the Liberals, with the generous participation of religious, atheists, mystics and humanists.

Now you must understand that we are facing a mortal sin . Ie we have 'the famous people following leaders, who do not have the approval of the party. Indeed, on a personal level, this trio of intellectuals (Calling themselves the Brit Biryonim ) were also pretty pissed off with social organizations, and dreamed a Chamber of Corporations, where it was still not there.

Fast forward to the contemporary age, after the failure of the Oslo Accords - when the Israelis were expecting peace for land and by Palestinian attacks have only grown. Turns out Clinton, with a proposed division of Jerusalem. Put yourself in the Italian phony jew, with its problems of belonging, if they are too Zionist jew too and then the party does not want me. And I do a lot for the people of Israel, combating anti-Semitism network, look at that list of facebook friends I have are all nazi and some fellow, what do you think, speaks to us every day dialogue. Etc. etc..

Jerusalem, so phony that there has never lived, and 'a score to settle that should be regulated. Reminiscent of that distant mortal sin, a rebellion not only against the British, but also against the Zionist leaders who continued to preach restraint. Trying to offer the public not Hebrew as voice of moderation and reasonableness, the need to identify phony fanatics which differentiate and to be condemned. And that city ', in which Jews are the majority, and' too Hebrew, and 'proof of what can' be rich and lively, even cheeky, an identity 'Jewish undiluted and not tortured, like the one that considers a phony charm.

must get rid of that Judaism too. Good going you can 'take a (let's call it as called) ghetto of colorful ultra-observant, who dress like Poland in the eighteenth century and make a lot of Adelphi Paper, or grandfather-of-Woody-Allen. Cosi 'poetic, like a painting by Chagall, with their erudition (which takes away the phony) and their way of life out of time. But being Jewish this time, but that joke? Stuff too complicated and difficult, and then I would lose my important friends in the Party, it would raise the suspicion of Zionism - and that 'such an ideology' outdated ... My Judaism and 'especially the memory of the murder (maiuscolo! capital letters!) And the commitment to' not a repetition of the Holocaust against Muslims (never a thought for Immigratie Chinese or Polish, go a bit 'to know why) . Ben is so the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing the city '. That much I'm in Rome / Milan / Turin and so on.

But just the idea but '. Follow the links that I have miles marked the beginning of my post. Remember that the author of the blog is not 'hardly a warmonger and is' a storico, che conosce la Shoah per aver diretto l'archivio dello Yad Vashem. Insomma qualcuno molto piu' vicino alla Memoria, di quanto lo siano i farlocchi che scorazzano nella italica bloggosfera alla ricerca di propalestinesi con cui intavolare dialoghi. Ecco, provate a far leggere i post a qualche farlocco. E poi sappiatemi dire se conserva ancora il suo sogno, piu' vaticano che ebraico, di internazionalizzare .


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