In dicembre, alla London School of Economics, Abd al-Bari Atwan ha tenuto una conferenza. Bari Atwan e' uno che ci tiene a far sapere che ballera' di gioia in giorno in cui missili iraniani colpiranno Tel Aviv, che ritiene giustificato il massacro della Mercaz haRav Yeshiva e secondo in which Israel exists apartheid. The solution of the problem? Reduce Jews to a minority and live in harmony, once it is clear who is boss.
This nice guy then, and 'was invited by the Association of Palestinian students to give a lecture at the London School of Economics. And it has 'unleashed, screaming against everything' that the Zionist and Jewish was nearby - Thirty Jewish students have come out shocked, and police are investigating.
The local supporters of final solution, in short, the peaceful and conciliatory anti-Zionists have thought at this point to take a step forward, and organized a debate on the opportunity 'to boycott of Israel. The local association of Israeli students found the idea interesting and so 'and is' organized a debate in British style. There was a motion in favor of the boycott, by a member of proPalestinesi (which does the work of historian and expert on immigration would be a Shia in Syria). The arguments against the motion was brought by a professor of oncology. A moderate the debate was a student of modern Greek literature, very careful to give both contestants the same number of minutes.
And when you and 'Cast the pro-Palestinian, anti-Semites have the shape of the flutes in the mountains. A solid majority rejected this re-release policies of the thirties, made up (and you'll see that news') to fight against colonialism. So much for the background.
politely While the crowd was heading toward the exit, a lawyer (who is not 'jew, and that it was still against the boycott) has approached an anthropologist, who was one of those very active in asking that all Jews are expelled from academic life the boycott of Israel and tried to attack button, as it is among educated people of a different opinion, saying that the conduct of the debate was "fair."
And here's what 'success [thank bastaconladroga that pointed me il video]
La antropologa si e' inalberata, gli ha sbraitato addosso che lo avrebbe preso a schiaffi se solo provava a rivolgerle la parola un'altra volta, e lo ha accusato, nientemeno, e di fronte ai colleghi, di "professional defamation". L'illustre professoressa che aspira ad universita'
Il commento del malcapitato e' stato del tipo: "Amvedi, adesso capisco come se la passano gli ebrei, quando a che fare con questi esaltati". The splashed illustrious anthropologist said instead of being a victim of male aggression. To be precise she "felt harassed by what I reduced considerably as Perceived Organised evil aggression" . You can read it here . Not-invented-a-mi-ca @ @ or, as they say in sturmundranghi.
The teacher must have some problem with what she Perceived obviously. And really, someone should explain that pipe has to do in this story that the lawyer was a boy, and maybe there was an understanding between males against Mrs. anthropologist and the Palestinians - even the moderator of the debate was a male and also that che sosteneva le ragioni di Israele. But, wait a minute, era una maschio anche il proPalestinese.
Uhm, questa e' una cosa sospetta, decisamente da indagare. C'e' qualche antropologo che vuole chiedere la tesi alla signora?
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