Oggi è una buona giornata: sono sopravvissuto alla lezione ADB di ieri sera a Milano (sarebbe forse meglio dire che sono sopravvissuti quelli che sono stati ad ascoltarmi) e adesso posso finalmente inaugurare la prima rubrica "esterna" di questo blog. Ci ho girato intorno per un po' ma alla fine Salvatore Garofalo, brillante chef de La Ratera di Milano e persona che stimo da quando ho avuto modo di conoscerlo, ha accettato. Salvatore si è fatto le ossa con celebrati maestri dei fornelli italiani come Gualtiero Marchesi , Ezio Santin e Pietro Leemann ed è oggi, mio avviso, l'uomo che maggiormente si confronta con la cucina alla birra. Ho sempre trovato i suoi piatti delle felici intuizioni, stimolanti per il palato quanto per il cervello. E, nel momento in cui ho pensato di avviare una rubrica, Beer just in the kitchen, I could only think of him. Here is his first contribution: recipe, ingredients and procedure. Bon appetit! ; ; MM
Salvatore Garofalo |
TORTELLI chestnut flour and dried porcini PEST,
Tortelli with chestnut flour and dried porcini mashed, stuffed cabbage and sausage Schlenkerla |
For pasta:
white flour 140 g
chestnut flour 50 g 10 g dried Porcini
2 eggs 1 pinch salt
Extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon
For the filling:
A small cabbage
Sausage 3 hg
Shallots 2
Schlenkerla 33 cl
For the sauce:
Butter 1 slice walnut
sage leaves 3 per serving
In a mortar crush the dried porcini finely (alternatively, use a blender). Mix flour white and chestnut; join the dust of dried porcini. On a work surface with flour to form a fountain in the middle to break the eggs, add salt and oil. Knead vigorously until a smooth ball of dough, wrap in plastic wrap and let rest for half an hour.
Apart from the cabbage leaf, wash thoroughly and cut into chunks.
Peel and chop the shallots, place in a saucepan with a little oil and then "fade" smoothly.
shelling sausage.
Once wilted shallots, add the sausage to the pan and allow to brown well grainy, add the cabbage and sausage and continue to cook together.
When the cabbage starts to soften, pour in the beer, cover with a lid and allow to simmer gently for 20 minutes. Uncovering
, salt (and pepper if you like) and chop it all with the help of a blender or a knife. We will have obtained the filling for ravioli.
Spread the dough with a special machine. Obtain, with the help of a circle cutter, disks of approximately 8 cm in diameter. At the center of the disks to put a heaping tablespoon of filling and close the disc of dough into crescents. Join the two corners of dough and push up the center of the crescent with the filling. If the dough is not moist, and it is hard to hold the corners of the dough disc, help with water, just a drop of water that will be the glue. It will be so prepared tortelli.
Fill a pot with water and bring to a boil. Cook the ravioli, making sure that water does not boil too violently to prevent the fresh pasta and ravioli will suffer from opening. Cook for about 3 minutes.
Apart from putting a pan on the fire, make you melt butter, add the sage leaves and allow to color the butter until you have a brown complexion.
Drain the ravioli and pour into pan with butter and sage. Season well and Serve.
Salvatore Garofalo
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