Saturday, January 29, 2011

do not know if Franco would remember me. Of course I remember him - a man with his eyes as a boy, that one evening a week for what was next to me was the port of entry, or exit from Milan. With a big bunch of anarchist journals, and a bag full of books.

We had heard over the phone years ago when I was still a schoolboy and, together with some contemporary, I wanted to know more 'about the history of conscientious objection. Pasello Franco in 1976 had nearly two months in jail, including military and civilian, not to respond to the state - even when the arrival 'of the postcard leave he returned' to the sender. It was the most 'famous anarchist objector of Italy and someone there / had given me his phone number.

After years we were there ', I was a university student in Milan raged the eighties, and I had many chats with Franco. I often took home titles from the magazines bombastic "Will '", "Humanity' Nova '... Pages where Israeli or jew were never synonymous oppressor.

And even with a good book, it '. Memorable one on the CT ., That gentleman, an anarchist himself, who had filled in Milan written indestructible, explaining that the church kills you with the wave. The book, if you happen, read it. Despite the spartan look and self-produced, and 'one of the best history books of the twentieth century - the authors have made tracing the origins of the obsession of CT for the killer waves and found a mass psychosis of the early twentieth century. ;

Franco Pasello distributing books and magazines. baker by profession, was that the anarchists have done so for a couple of centuries, distributed print, words, with the belief that it could blow up the world and have it fall back to earth in a form more 'correct. In the English Civil War, when the clerical-fascists killed all traces of civilization ', and the communists killed the counter Camillo Berneri , anarchists taught farmers how to read and write. Because 'the Republic could end, but this will remain' with you forever.

Pasello Franco was not intended to recruit - was not even affiliated with any of, somewhat contentious, organizations anarchiche italiane. Conosceva tutti, ed era conosciuto da tutti gli anarchici d'Italia - il primo obiettore totale... e dai loro simpatizzanti di varia gradazione. Tra cui io. Io che, anche quando mi ero ormai trasferito a Milano  mi trovavo ogni tanto a chiaccherare con lui. Gli parlavo dei miei viaggi in Israele. Progettavo un sito web sul C.T. Che non si e' fatto mai. Franco aveva piu' di un dubbio su questa roba chiamata Internet: lui usava ancora la macchina da scrivere.

Anni dopo ho ri-incontrato Franco Pasello. Mentre ci si batteva per i diritti civili dei Sinti e dei Rom, ho fatto qualche amicizia, e guarda un po' cosa si va a scoprire, da anni Franco girava per gli stessi campi in cui I turned around. Or those neighbors, I visited trying to find a way for the right to water and education, for example. And also to not be chased away from the piece of land you bought [this happened and still happens, the Roma in Italy: the face of the properties' private sacred and inviolable, in spite of the Constitution]. I was trying to put on paper a series of extraordinary stories, I hoped to write a book about Gypsies Italian Resistance to Fascism and not think I need to explain what was important. One born of the Resistance in Italy, where the mayors of the left and right negotiated transactions evictions "nomads". It was the anniversary of the arrival of the first Romanian Roma in Italy, and Franco was spending, generous as always, for their rights: hospitality ', residence permits, food, water life.

The stories that I was collecting remained handwritten, write on many notebooks, along with impressions, notes, taboo ', genealogies, sold, convictions and acquittals. Franco, gave me a hand to figure it out, in this complicated world. And those books have remained in Italy, close the book on CT

I heard just now, by chance. Franco Pasello, just and generous man, and 'dead last October. Anarchists have a grandiloquent funerary tradition, their graves are often monuments, the deployment of a funeral chants and flags. Franco, individualistic as ever, did not want anything like that, but just that you did a party in her honor.

And I, for the first time in recent years, I wanted to be in Italy.

Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Play Pokemon On A Mac Computer

" conspired "

A free Palestine Was Deemed a threat to other states and repressive They all, along with Israel, not conspired to allow it to be born.

In short, they had all the best ideas, and were the most 'good for everyone, but then the bad guys have come together and they lost. The bad guys would be the repressive arab states and Israel - che guarda caso sono in guerra da decenni. Ma si alleano contro i buoni.

Invidio gli intellettuali palestinesi . Voglio dire, deve essere un lavoro molto facile, ripetere ogni volta che il resto del mondo e' cattivo e che loro hanno sempre ragione. Deve essere bellissimo vivere in un mondo in cui gli errori li fanno sempre gli altri.

Che, ovviamente, sono sempre cattivi e -ti pareva- cospirano contro di te. Che sei buono. Deve essere una sensazione bellissima, quella di essere sempre e comunque il piu' buono dei buoni, probabilmente ti deriva dall'onore di nascere palestinese. Il nuovo popolo eletto.

Brampton Jobs 14 Year Old

in the kitchen - Heading Salvatore Garofalo

Oggi è una buona giornata: sono sopravvissuto alla lezione ADB di ieri sera a Milano (sarebbe forse meglio dire che sono sopravvissuti quelli che sono stati ad ascoltarmi) e adesso posso finalmente inaugurare la prima rubrica "esterna" di questo blog. Ci ho girato intorno per un po' ma alla fine Salvatore Garofalo, brillante chef de La Ratera di Milano e persona che stimo da quando ho avuto modo di conoscerlo, ha accettato. Salvatore si è fatto le ossa con celebrati maestri dei fornelli italiani come Gualtiero Marchesi , Ezio Santin e Pietro Leemann ed è oggi,  mio avviso, l'uomo che maggiormente si confronta con la cucina alla birra. Ho sempre trovato i suoi piatti delle felici intuizioni, stimolanti per il palato quanto per il cervello. E, nel momento in cui ho pensato di avviare una rubrica, Beer just in the kitchen, I could only think of him. Here is his first contribution: recipe, ingredients and procedure. Bon appetit! ; ; MM

Salvatore Garofalo

TORTELLI chestnut flour and dried porcini PEST,

Tortelli with chestnut flour and dried porcini mashed, stuffed cabbage and sausage Schlenkerla


For pasta:

white flour 140 g

chestnut flour 50 g 10 g dried Porcini

2 eggs 1 pinch salt

Extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon

For the filling:

A small cabbage

Sausage 3 hg

Shallots 2

Schlenkerla 33 cl


For the sauce:

Butter 1 slice walnut

sage leaves 3 per serving

In a mortar crush the dried porcini finely (alternatively, use a blender). Mix flour white and chestnut; join the dust of dried porcini. On a work surface with flour to form a fountain in the middle to break the eggs, add salt and oil. Knead vigorously until a smooth ball of dough, wrap in plastic wrap and let rest for half an hour.

Apart from the cabbage leaf, wash thoroughly and cut into chunks.

Peel and chop the shallots, place in a saucepan with a little oil and then "fade" smoothly.

shelling sausage.

Once wilted shallots, add the sausage to the pan and allow to brown well grainy, add the cabbage and sausage and continue to cook together.

When the cabbage starts to soften, pour in the beer, cover with a lid and allow to simmer gently for 20 minutes. Uncovering
, salt (and pepper if you like) and chop it all with the help of a blender or a knife. We will have obtained the filling for ravioli.
Spread the dough with a special machine. Obtain, with the help of a circle cutter, disks of approximately 8 cm in diameter. At the center of the disks to put a heaping tablespoon of filling and close the disc of dough into crescents. Join the two corners of dough and push up the center of the crescent with the filling. If the dough is not moist, and it is hard to hold the corners of the dough disc, help with water, just a drop of water that will be the glue. It will be so prepared tortelli.
Fill a pot with water and bring to a boil. Cook the ravioli, making sure that water does not boil too violently to prevent the fresh pasta and ravioli will suffer from opening. Cook for about 3 minutes.

Apart from putting a pan on the fire, make you melt butter, add the sage leaves and allow to color the butter until you have a brown complexion.

Drain the ravioli and pour into pan with butter and sage. Season well and Serve.
Salvatore Garofalo

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Have My Genitalls Burst

Today' Memorial Day

After Period Cervical Mucus

Beer of the Year - The response of Nicola Perra

Nicola Perra , as I imagined and hoped, he responded to comments made on the post on a Beer of the Year and, whereas it was he who Starting the discussion with her, legal, legitimate criticism and also his non-participation in the competition I saw fit, in terms of visibility, leave a space on this blog exactly as I did for Claudio Cerullo. The debate can continue, of course: in this or in previous post ....
Nicola Perra: none Barley Beer of the Year 2011

summoned from his post by Maurizio and other indirectly (through their answers) in this blog, let me clarify my point of view, it is clear, will not be offensive to the work of anyone but only an invitation to reflection.
The categories this year not as structured I disagree for several reasons:
- put together in the same category as beer made with low-brewed beer of high fermentation
- distinguished by color (clear, amber and dark)
- distinguish the categories so Inaccurate (low or high alcohol) instead of using the alcohol or the saccarometrico, placing boundaries numerical
- put them all together in one category beers aged in wood (in Italy there are very little as alcoholic beverages) and I think the differences are enormous in terms of their aromas and flavors and the same goes for classes 17,18,19 and 20.

In my opinion, these reasons are more than enough to think that it makes sense to involve my beers in this competition. If
then UB will attract a lot more beer last year and so can make money the better, but so are a lot of contempt for the correct information and that its beer culture Unionbirrai sent out decently for many years.

I'm sorry, but I can not participate in a competition organized on the basis that I do not think.
If we participate in a contest means to hunt for prizes, well I do not think one can claim if, for example. its bottom-fermenting beer won against a high or vice versa.

On completion of the cards as useful feedback, well ... think about how things went last year. I know for certain that the unhappy (to put it mildly) have been many!
However, good competition for those who participate!
Nicola Perra

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Do Little Blisters In The Throat Mean

journalist in the snow

writing about beer, wine, spirits and restaurants is just happen to live some kind of adventure. The maximum is the thrill of blowing nell'alcoltest, resist-year-old liter steins in interviews to German brewers, to avoid falling asleep on the counter of some London pub or sipping brave the early morning and a Rochefort 10. But last Friday, January 21, I took the train from Milan, I got to Bologna, I got in the car, I'm down to Fossombrone (Pesaro Urbino), I recovered in a second car to arrive at that of finally Apecchio , a village of little more than two thousand inhabitants, but with two breweries : Amarcord Collesi and seals. I was there for the second, Collesi seals, and this is the scene in front of me ...

Blizzard Marche-

Fifty inches of soft snow and a wind that lifted the right to slam in my face. A scene at the White Fang, or appunto, da Sergente nella neve (entrambi romanzi della mia adolescenza), tuttavia uno scenario fantastico, suggestivo (leggermente rischioso solo nello scendere i gradini). Ma uno scenario che i soci di Tenute Collesi possono ammirare (beati loro) tutti i giorni dalla grande vetrata panoramica. All'interno si trova l'impianto di produzione dal quale nascono, a tutt'oggi, le sei birre firmate Tenute Collesi e distribuite in Italia dalla D&C , azienda storica nel settore e di comprovata abilità.
La gamma di Tenute Collesi
Giuseppe Collesi e Roberto Bini sono i due soci che hanno dato vita al birrificio. Come spesso accade l'unione di passione e competenza commerciale permette loro di ottenere buoni risultati ma, visto che l'arroganza intellettuale non abita evidentemente ad Apecchio, a progettare le loro birre hanno chiamato un tecnico belga, quel Marc Knops che lavora da Achel e che è stato definito da Roger Protz "peripatetic brewer" . Il risultato sono delle birre molto equilibrate, di facile approccio, eleganti e non troppo caratterizzate. Così, insomma, come le avevano pensate Collesi e Bini che puntano dritti alla ristorazione, alle gastronomie gourmet, ai winebar. Tra tutte ho trovato molto interessante la Ego, una chiara da 6% vol con aromi delicati, floreali e un finale nice dry, and Ubi, amber (called Red) 8 vol% which suggests the caramel, biscuit tones, a hint of rhubarb, remaining always drinkable. Also recently did the Triple Malt, a clear 9% vol, which sees the light every year on July 4 (the anniversary of the brewery) and a limited number over four thousand bottles. Interesting then, but at least for me to deepen, the supply of malt Seals Collesi solved relying on Cobi , Ancona, which produces a malting barley malt for beer. A signal, not too screaming to tell the truth than other situations, perhaps even in this field something is moving ...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lord King Of Zulu Tango

And the leaks come from the Guardian

Have you heard the news ?

And the leaks come from the Guardian
And a little 'all necessary
We know that for them and scooping
' requirement.

is a fool Barbina
stuff from Latin America
One scoop that gave hope
One scoop that ... patience! And the translation

You screwed us bad
journalists and editors
We drank it all.

And the leaks come from the Guardian
For those who saw them and who was not there that day and for those who

there chasing his dream.

Oh, do not wake up
oh, no, not yet
oh no no, please no. And from the Guardian

out the leaks and
necessary to track when the transformer
has become a necessity.

You'll see them in uniform as a certified copy

You will see them marching with vivid

You'll see them the 'cruise
the fleet and' unarmed
then you're done
but in Egypt and 'then landed.

is a fool Barbina
big news from Latin America, a passport!
behind them and short of breath. The leak

penetrates walls
makes you breach the door
but basically
is telling you that your soul is not dead. And do not wake up

oh, no, not yet
no no, please no.

And from the Guardian leaks out and is an eternal departure

travels well
medium wave and FM.

is a fool Barbina
stuff from Latin America
One scoop that 'hope
One scoop that ... patience! And the translation

You screwed us bad
reporter and fellow
We drank it all.

And the leaks come from the Guardian
for those who saw them and who was not
and for those there that day
chasing his dream.

Oh, do not wake up
oh, no, not yet
ah no no no, please no.

How Many Levels Are There Of Cubefield?

Jerusalem and dreams of phony

Yaacov Lozowick and 'an Israeli historian, former director of the archives of Yad Vashem. For a long time supporter of the "two states for two peoples", and 'also an active opponent of the division of Jerusalem. In this interesting post lists the possible scenarios that could arise. This assumption is more 'optimistic [a Schengen treaty between Israelis and Palestinians and the transformation of the entire Middle East into a sort of European Union] to those more' tragic, and alas' likely that recall - at best- Gorizia after the war, Sarajevo and when it's bad in the nineties.

a difference: those two cities', before being divided along lines of ethnicity, politics, religion ..., were unknown to the population of Planet Earth, with the exception of population. While Jerusalem and 'known to the world. Lozowick shows how the current situation is by far the best, and indeed no accident that the Arab inhabitants of Jerusalem seem happy to be living in the capital of Israel and have long ago sent to the attic dreams of revenge

Lozowick and 'used to work in archives, and since it is' a precise manner, he has published a series of posts that illustrate the difficulties '-to-be generous for the proposed division of Jerusalem. If you're interested, you can read here an introduction and how they 'arrived at the current proposals, from the growth of the city' in its western part (in the sovereignty of Israel ') that date since 1949, and' parallel the ruin of the eastern part, which until 1967 was under sovereignty 'Jordan. They also discussed the proposed division, and their consequences in a number of districts: the City 'at Old , Mamilla , Abu Tor, until' area around the Shepherd Hotel , and the much 'talked about in recent days. To put it in three words, quoting Samuel Goldwyn: and 'im-possible .

So the question arises: if the division of the capital of Israel 's bullshit, or-worse-a risky business, why so' many people believe is a prerequisite for any peace process begin? The application and 'extraordinarily complicated, and I do not expect to find an answer.

One might begin to observe that, assuming that Jerusalem has an important status in Islam, not 'not true that Islam is opposed to sovereignty' on the Jewish land of Israel. And in fact the major commentators of the Quran have always maintained good right of Jews to live in their land, with an appendix splatter like "the lost because they 'were not enough dogs with bloody infidels who wanted to take it to him." The most 'major commentator on the Qur'an, Tabari to the view that the land given by God to the Jewish people includes not only Jerusalem, but also Danasco. Unfortunately, the commentaries of the Qur'an, usually printed next to the sacred text, grammar is very sophisticated, and I put a suit who wants to make Islam a political religion and even less to those with little familiarity with the Arabic of the Koran.

So what was the majority view in the Islamic world, and now 'virtually disappeared, replaced by the cabal that Jerusalem and' third city 'holy Islam and the existence of the State of Israel on Arab soil and sacred' an offense that devout Muslims should washed with blood. And that 'a common position, but very recent that has' gained ground in the Islamic religious institutions more' or less beginning in the era of Nasser and Egypt. In the face of the old tradition. You will be surprised to discover that the mica Arab fascists, just like the Italian fascists, trying to make religion an instrument of government, right? Nasser has done just that, with the difference that the Egyptian Islamic academies sono quelle a cui guardano tutti i religiosi islamici sunniti.

Ripeto la domanda: se Gerusalemme non e' cosi' importante per i devoti musulmani, e se i locali residenti arabi, passato qualche anno di incazzatura, si sono fatti una ragione e convivono tranquillamente con i loro concittadini ebrei, dove sta il problema? Perche' persone che a Gerusalemme non vivono, e il piu' delle volte manco la hanno visitata, continuano a parlare della imprescindibile necessita' di dividerla, dell'urgenza di ridimensionare le pretese ebraiche e via di sbroc sbroc fino a raggiungere la pace nel mondo, che sicuramente arrivera' non appena gli ebrei avranno trangugiato qualche altra umiliazione?

And I repeat that there is not the answer I have. Pero 'everyone knows that "internationalizing Jerusalem' and 'mantra favored by the Vatican, which fails to agree to its component pro-Israel, with its pro-Palestinian component. Did you know that there are two hospitals in Jerusalem, the Franciscans, both French, and one has a phone number ex-Jordanian, Palestinian now, and the other has an Israeli? To tell you the casino. and Internationalization 'for the Vatican a convenient way to wash their hands inside the casino, which covers a city' in which, at least three centuries, each variant of Christianity, the Copts to the Mormons, feels obliged to invest in hotels to house the clergy in training, and the pilgrims (from a couple of decades) and tourists alike.

So do not be surprised to discover that the largest landowner in Jerusalem and 'the Greek Orthodox Church, whose members are not exactly very happy with the Islamic radicalism that grows on their side - looking for a reason the approach of Greece Israel, which inexplicably is sending Turkey to the headphones? Here it is that you have.

The mantra of the Vatican can internationalization 'is probably due to theological positions, after all the destruction of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Temple and the expulsion of Jews from that city ', was read for centuries as the proof of the truth' of Christianity and the error of the Jews, who had not recognized the true messiah. Or maybe got to do some clerical-fascist past , when civilization 'Cattolica recommended to Mussolini the segregation of Jews and a generation of young intellectuals like fascists or Amintore Fanfani Gabriele De Rosa dreamed "the Rivic of Arius' against Protestants and Jews who had eaten the spirit of European nations. That generation of intellectuals was then passed, a few decades later, a third world osteno positions within the DC, and then express sympathy for Arab nationalists. The stench of their eredita' e' ancora in giro, come si rende conto chiunque apra uno qualsiasi dei blog sbroccotronici, che sono tutti laici e atei ed anticlericali, ma hanno sempre, da qualche parte, il loro bravo "prete in periferia che va avanti nonoffftante il Vaticano" come cantava Jovannotti.

Ci saranno quindi pregiudizi religiosi , alla radice della diffusione della bufala internazionalizzante. Non ne sono cosi' sicuro, perche' ho perso il contatto con il mondo cattolico italiano. Nei Paesi in cui ho vissuto ultimamente, se il Pontefice dichiara che la pace e' meglio della guerra, non ha tutto lo spazio che ha nelle TV italiane. Fa notizia anzi poche volte e quando dice scempiaggini sul preservativo o la pedofilia , The editors of major newspapers agree that this is, indeed, of nonsense. When crossing the Litizzetto on YouTube with his Emineenz not find it (plus') and irreverent yawn. Really, I'm away, I do not have the qualifications to pronounce on what is happening in the Catholic world in Italy.

Pero 'I can speak of the Jewish world. And the legend that the division of Jerusalem will come down 'need for peace, and' widespread even within the Jewish world, in the phony - that and 'alas' strong presence on the web and plays the role of rationality. Never mind how they dress those clothes - usually targeting and accusing someone of being a dangerous extremist. 'S the classic rhetorical trick of the pacifists, who call themselves such, implicitly accusing the world of being warmongers.

even the patience of readers, but this dispute inside the Jewish world has historical roots - as distorted by the web chat. Go back to the twenties, the years in which Palestinian nationalism took shape and the Jews who lived in the Land of Israel were massacred. The British looked on, unsure whether to take the parts of the Jews (to whom they promised a state in an area comprising Israel and now Jordan) or the Arab sheiks, with whom the Foreign Office was intertwined relationships. If you're wondering why the Jews did not respond to the massacres and the answer ' havlagah , containment. Trying to maintain good relations with the British, all the organizations of Jewish self-defense held to the line of non-intervention, so much 'true that the first attacks on Jewish defense when they started, they were shockingly naive.

See for example, Shlomo Ben Yossef, a guy who could not even handle a gun and suddenly 'an ambush against a patrol Arab army, which for months was a shooting on passers-by who were heading hospital Hebrew. Mistake 'aim, the British captured him and sent him to the gallows, after having filled the tub with the express intention of renderloirriconoscibile "even for that bitch of his mother." A treatment that did not allow Arab prisoners. All this, in 1938.

But let's step back: August 1929. Arab nationalism is essentially in two groups that are based on clans, Husseini and Nashashibi, in fierce fighting among themselves. The more 'cynical and fanatical of Husseini, and' managed to get the maximum authority to appoint 'Islamic religious (Mufti) and e' enraged with the Socialist ideas that come into his estate, portate da questi europei le cui donne sono un attentato alla moralita'. Pensate che questi ebrei stanno introducendo il pericoloso principio secondo cui tutti devono avere accesso all'acqua. Se facciamo cosi' avremo presto un Parlamento, e saranno cazzi per tutti. Nel 1921 c'e' gia' stata una ondata di violenze contro la popolazione ebraica, in coincidenza con una importante festivita' musulmana locale, e in presenza di decine di migliaia di pellegrini (armati, viaggiare da quelle parti era una roba pericolosa). 

Nel 1929 un gruppo di intellettuali ebrei nazionalisti decide che ne ha le tasche piene, e organizza una manifestazione al Kotel, il Muro del Pianto, il luogo piu' sacro Judaism. 'Cause an event? Because 'the British were in the throes of trying to appease Paturnie pro-Arab and exaltation of Husseyni. who was in heat pro-fascist , and the British could not understand what were the plans of Mussolini with regard to the Mediterranean or Africa, which they deemed their stuff. Then, and just make no mistake, The British decide to forbid Jews access to the Wall, in its day the most 'sacred Hebrew calendar.
The group of nationalist intellectuals of the above, which probably mattered little of religion, but a lot of dignity and self-defense ', is organizing a demonstration to Wall, with deployment of flags and (for the first time in history), the Zionist anthem, and now that 'the national anthem of Israel. A group of dissolute and reckless? Perhaps - but the fact is 'that accompany them, in the challenge to the British colonial power, were indeed many, of the most' diverse political affiliations, the Zionist-socialist or communist, to the Liberals, with the generous participation of religious, atheists, mystics and humanists.

Now you must understand that we are facing a mortal sin . Ie we have 'the famous people following leaders, who do not have the approval of the party. Indeed, on a personal level, this trio of intellectuals (Calling themselves the Brit Biryonim ) were also pretty pissed off with social organizations, and dreamed a Chamber of Corporations, where it was still not there.

Fast forward to the contemporary age, after the failure of the Oslo Accords - when the Israelis were expecting peace for land and by Palestinian attacks have only grown. Turns out Clinton, with a proposed division of Jerusalem. Put yourself in the Italian phony jew, with its problems of belonging, if they are too Zionist jew too and then the party does not want me. And I do a lot for the people of Israel, combating anti-Semitism network, look at that list of facebook friends I have are all nazi and some fellow, what do you think, speaks to us every day dialogue. Etc. etc..

Jerusalem, so phony that there has never lived, and 'a score to settle that should be regulated. Reminiscent of that distant mortal sin, a rebellion not only against the British, but also against the Zionist leaders who continued to preach restraint. Trying to offer the public not Hebrew as voice of moderation and reasonableness, the need to identify phony fanatics which differentiate and to be condemned. And that city ', in which Jews are the majority, and' too Hebrew, and 'proof of what can' be rich and lively, even cheeky, an identity 'Jewish undiluted and not tortured, like the one that considers a phony charm.

must get rid of that Judaism too. Good going you can 'take a (let's call it as called) ghetto of colorful ultra-observant, who dress like Poland in the eighteenth century and make a lot of Adelphi Paper, or grandfather-of-Woody-Allen. Cosi 'poetic, like a painting by Chagall, with their erudition (which takes away the phony) and their way of life out of time. But being Jewish this time, but that joke? Stuff too complicated and difficult, and then I would lose my important friends in the Party, it would raise the suspicion of Zionism - and that 'such an ideology' outdated ... My Judaism and 'especially the memory of the murder (maiuscolo! capital letters!) And the commitment to' not a repetition of the Holocaust against Muslims (never a thought for Immigratie Chinese or Polish, go a bit 'to know why) . Ben is so the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing the city '. That much I'm in Rome / Milan / Turin and so on.

But just the idea but '. Follow the links that I have miles marked the beginning of my post. Remember that the author of the blog is not 'hardly a warmonger and is' a storico, che conosce la Shoah per aver diretto l'archivio dello Yad Vashem. Insomma qualcuno molto piu' vicino alla Memoria, di quanto lo siano i farlocchi che scorazzano nella italica bloggosfera alla ricerca di propalestinesi con cui intavolare dialoghi. Ecco, provate a far leggere i post a qualche farlocco. E poi sappiatemi dire se conserva ancora il suo sogno, piu' vaticano che ebraico, di internazionalizzare .

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dennise Milani Nice Topless

horizons of anthropology

In dicembre, alla London School of Economics, Abd al-Bari Atwan ha tenuto una conferenza. Bari Atwan e' uno che ci tiene a far sapere che ballera' di gioia in giorno in cui missili iraniani colpiranno Tel Aviv, che ritiene giustificato il massacro della Mercaz haRav Yeshiva e secondo in which Israel exists apartheid. The solution of the problem? Reduce Jews to a minority and live in harmony, once it is clear who is boss.

This nice guy then, and 'was invited by the Association of Palestinian students to give a lecture at the London School of Economics. And it has 'unleashed, screaming against everything' that the Zionist and Jewish was nearby - Thirty Jewish students have come out shocked, and police are investigating.

The local supporters of final solution, in short, the peaceful and conciliatory anti-Zionists have thought at this point to take a step forward, and organized a debate on the opportunity 'to boycott of Israel. The local association of Israeli students found the idea interesting and so 'and is' organized a debate in British style. There was a motion in favor of the boycott, by a member of proPalestinesi (which does the work of historian and expert on immigration would be a Shia in Syria). The arguments against the motion was brought by a professor of oncology. A moderate the debate was a student of modern Greek literature, very careful to give both contestants the same number of minutes.

And when you and 'Cast the pro-Palestinian, anti-Semites have the shape of the flutes in the mountains. A solid majority rejected this re-release policies of the thirties, made up (and you'll see that news') to fight against colonialism. So much for the background.

politely While the crowd was heading toward the exit, a lawyer (who is not 'jew, and that it was still against the boycott) has approached an anthropologist, who was one of those very active in asking that all Jews are expelled from academic life the boycott of Israel and tried to attack button, as it is among educated people of a different opinion, saying that the conduct of the debate was "fair."

And here's what 'success [thank bastaconladroga that pointed me il video]

La antropologa si e' inalberata, gli ha sbraitato addosso che lo avrebbe preso a schiaffi se solo provava a rivolgerle la parola un'altra volta, e lo ha accusato, nientemeno, e di fronte ai colleghi, di "professional defamation". L'illustre professoressa che aspira ad universita' libere da ebrei eticamente corrette, stava evidentemente, come si dice in italiano, rosicando come una mandria di castori. Succede agli Opliti del Bene dopo l'amaro impatto con la realta'.

Il commento del malcapitato e' stato del tipo: "Amvedi, adesso capisco come se la passano gli ebrei, quando a che fare con questi esaltati". The splashed illustrious anthropologist said instead of being a victim of male aggression. To be precise she "felt harassed by what I reduced considerably as Perceived Organised evil aggression" . You can read it here . Not-invented-a-mi-ca @ @ or, as they say in sturmundranghi.

The teacher must have some problem with what she Perceived obviously. And really, someone should explain that pipe has to do in this story that the lawyer was a boy, and maybe there was an understanding between males against Mrs. anthropologist and the Palestinians - even the moderator of the debate was a male and also that che sosteneva le ragioni di Israele. But, wait a minute, era una maschio anche il proPalestinese. 

Uhm, questa e' una cosa sospetta, decisamente da indagare. C'e' qualche antropologo che vuole chiedere la tesi alla signora?

Pokemon Mobile New Game

Beer of the Year - It was discussed about the contest ... Hipster

Avoided Apecchio of hibernation in that, in the Marche, where I went to visit seals from Collesi , a snowfall was more suited for Iditarod that a taste in place of beer, it hangs up with the blog and a post that I hope will give rise to a comparison between the different "souls" of the Italian craft beer. Then, a few days ago I received a text message from Nicola Perra, brewer of solid and deserved reputation of Brewery Barley, who criticize the manner prescribed by the imminent Beer of the Year, which was organized by Unionbirrai che vedrà la premiazione dei vincitori a Rimini, il 19 febbraio, durante Selezione Birra . Nicola, in poche parole, critica la composizione delle categorie che mettono in ballo birre diverse all'interno dello stesso campo di gioco (così, su due piedi, penso alle chiare di ispirazione tedesca, basso grado alcolico ma alta e bassa fermentazione). Il giudizio di Nicola è che "UB ha fatto un brutto passo falso sulla via della divulgazione della cultura birraria di cui, per anni, è stata promotrice".

Nicola Perra e le sue birre

But is the conclusion of the SMS Nicholas alarmed me: "Needless to say, not as a brewery will participate in this farce and I regret that since the jury has all my respect." None of the beers at Barley Beer of the Year then? If so his absence, in my opinion, would be the heavy. I spoke with Nicholas, also to be allowed to report here the contents of his text messages, and is convinced of its positions. Knowing him, is estimated, I thought I agreed with him to make it public here, but at the same time, I decided to involve the leaders of Unionbirrai to gain from them an explanation. To me the technique of lynching, the stone thrown or public ridicule do not like much but I know that others think differently than me. However, joking aside, the answers came in the persons of UB Alessio and Marco Leone Giannasso, Unionbirrai responsible for training, both on the committee that drew up the various categories. I simply propose them in the hope that we can discuss it in the first place and secondly, it is my personal hope, Nicola think again.
Here, then, the opinion of Alessio Leone : "Months ago, during the development of new categories, we faced the problem is whether to continue with the policy hitherto undertaken by UB (a category that is defined by the its parameters "technical") or abbracciare la pratica diffusa in quasi tutti i concorsi birrari di chiamare ogni categoria con lo stile di riferimento, e solo dopo aggiungere le descrizioni tecniche. La seconda opzione sarebbe risultata più semplice sia per i giudici, sia per i birrai che per tutti quanti; secondo UB però questo avrebbe compromesso la nostra libertà rispetto alle tradizioni birrarie, e si è quindi optato per la prima opzione.
Posto quello, c'era la necessità di far fronte a una quantità notevole di birra iscritte nel 2010: si è pensato ad un primo ampliamento delle categorie, che è quello che avremo al campionato in arrivo. Certamente ci sono delle categorie "ibride", nelle quali confluiscono birre con parametri non esattamente uguali, but certainly not completely different: for example, could be a category "Kolsch", but with two or three beers entered what would be the credibility of the awards? These 20 categories were then tested with simulation based on the 300 + beers entered in the past year.
The only real problem I see today and rereading is a certain lack of immediacy, it is precisely defined by technical parameters and not names of styles known and shared. But really the only flaw I see in several months in a work prepared by a group that has faced the challenges of a constantly growing market like ours.
I believe that the work, either positively or negatively, can and should only be judged at the end of the competition. "

Beer del'Anno 2011
And then the words of Marco Giannasso :" Leo expressed perfectly the motivations and methods that have brought us to these categories. I would only add that the latter could still define "macro categories" as they have been grouped in different styles each. The consolidations have been made in order to have beers with different parameters of production and tasting sensations as similar as possible. It 'clear that the optimal situation would probably avere una categoria per ogni stile, ma, come ha già detto Leo, il numero non ancora grandissimo di birre in concorso non ci permette di fare ciò. Con l'aumentare delle partecipanti si renderanno necessarie ulteriori modifiche e nuovi ampliamenti e questo lo si farà al momento opportuno. Quest'anno abbiamo fatto già un grosso passo in avanti rispetto alle passate edizioni. Infine un'ultima considerazione: grazie ai nostri birrai, caratterizzati da fantasia ed inventiva, questa catalogazione risulterà sempre abbastanza complicata in quanto ci presentano spesso prodotti che si potrebbero definire unici. Ma del resto se anche si volessero iscrivere queste birre "particolari" ad un altro qualsiasi concorso internazionale credo che non si troverebbe even there the category that fits perfectly for all participants. "

Here, these are the statements, also endorsed by Simone Monetti, of Unionbirrai. I have already asked Nicola to respond as it sees fit (including the model of the post by Claudio Cerullo), the argument seems to me serious and "deep" and Beer of the Year is a national competition which has always been to quality and juries have been able to distinguish the national scene. Put in crisis could be a serious error, instead of questioning is always legitimate. Especially when the arguments, and who expresses them, deserves the respect of everyone.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Do You Play Pokemon Online On Macs

Back: Naples Street Style

Eccomi di nuovo sul blog dopo una piccola pausa fra il 2010 e il 2011. Questo nuovo anno è cominciato decisamente bene per me, fra eventi ( Luisaviaroma per esempio) e nuove amicizie, e spero continui così. Sto raccogliendo tutte le foto del weekend passato a Firenze per Firenze4Ever e appena le avrò all (including video) will post.
This is my hand look photographed by Eleanor Carisi for Naples Street Style , newly arrived from Turin to Florence for the event Luisaviaroma . It 'been a pretty long trip is always a pleasure to travel with friends, we also need to know each other better. Thanks again to
Ele! Click on the image below to see the look.


Burberry camel coat
LV Keepall

Friday, January 14, 2011

Compere Speech For Annual School Function

and Rudolph: screening techniques ...

Ohibò, we resume sound (or perhaps insane) habit of writing on the blog and keeping the promise we make to describe our impressions of the two beers from the brewery came Bad Attitude Lorenzo Buttons & Company a few days before the Russian roulette (gastronomically speaking) of Christmas holidays. So, let's start by saying that getting the beers in the tasting at home by a craft brewery practice is almost unknown in Italy (first applause for Bad Attitude), which may lead to the conclusion that the writer does not serve beer to nothing or that the craft brewers do not give a damn. Dunno, you name it. However, the initiative is laudable Buttons also because it is knowingly exposed to criticism, of course, possible and hopefully motivated, and because it legitimizes the small population of Italian bloggers. The two beers in question are called Hipster and Rudolph, immortalized below shortly before uncorking ....

Hipster and Rudolph by Bad Attitude Craft Brewing
Let's start with the pack because I am convinced that the eye wants its part. Size of the bottle-style "mason Fifties," but made nice with the labels: a style "summer of love" and one that revisits the Red-Nosed Reindeer driving the sled di Babbo Natale. A me sono piaciute entrambe perchè mi hanno messo allegria e mi è pure piaciuta la dizione "birra artigiana" invece di artigianale (che sia questa la chiave di volta della sfuggente quanto inflazionata definizione?). Alleluia finale per la citazione dei luppoli. La trovo una cosa buona e giusta e suggerisco a Lorenzo di inviare un campione anche a quelli della Splugen scrivendogli "ecco, i tre luppoli. Li trovate nella retroetichetta". Perplessità invece sulla Hipster presentata come una Pilsener Organic Wine. Vero che la presa per i fondelli è già nella dizione, ma la parolina pilsener ai più dice una cosa (luppolo, luppolo e ancora luppolo) mentre al naso la realtà è un'altra. Insomma, a parte qualche nota so-so but soon disappears, the beer seems to think but to speak in Czech in Belgium. I, for example, I heard a fruity apricot and a hint of honey and a few more minutes after a thin spicy, more articulation than a hint of the perfume itself. On the palate the body is there and

The Hipster in the glass

feels (7.62% vol). A good balance, a beautiful aroma that lets out a pleasant bitter (so now) and ends very well in the aftertaste, leaving the mouth piva acidity and ready to drink yet. In other words, a beer that convinced me with some stretch marks (the initial nose), but that takes you a little 'off course ... Different speech instead for Rudolph, presented as a "winter warmer" category that lends itself to more interpretations of the theme. The color is amber with tones reminiscent of the copper foam really impressive (a little 'weak in the Hipster), firm and persistent. Complex aroma, spice imaginable now though, not having read the first notes, I have hit just the cinnamon. Ginger and juniper, I felt only after the event, so that is what it's worth. That is nothing.

The Rudolph the glass

But beer is a fascinating although I would have preferred an even larger body, stronger and more "hot". Also on the nose spray I wrote "honey and tropical fruit (dates?), Caramel and cinnamon." Cinnamon, which again makes itself felt in the mouth. But without being excessive, with only just enough to get you back in mind certain Anglo-Saxon Christmas cakes and the desire to start a fire (that being surrounded by books and paper typically involves some risk). However beer a pleasant one. The riberrei willingly (even the Hipster) why do not you both end of the sticks to the palate flooded. That is to say that I still thirst. And the second attack on the bottles ...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Invitationfor Death Anniversary Pooja


Ho letto sul blog di Uriel una serie di post interessanti a proposito delle trasformazioni del commercio in Italia - la scomparsa, o crisi, dei negozietti , la crescita dei centri commerciali ecc. ecc. No, non voglio parlare di questo argomento, ma solo avanzare un paio di riflessioni su quella esperienza esaltante dell'ebraismo europeo, che si chiama Limmud , and which 'in all the countries of the world, or almost - except in Italy. So this post is' addressed to Jewish readers, hoping not to annoy others.

How-ever Comunita' PIU'-old-of-Diaspora and 'free from this experience? In three or four (many Italians were present) we made this demand. And it ' clear that this is not a question of money : Limmud is cheap, and' based on voluntary work, prestigious speakers, intellectuals, artists etc.. etc.. participating (in the link there is' a partial list at this year) are not paid in any way, except for a few skimpy exhibition space. Why ' they do, then?

for market reasons. I know it 'a metaphor little respect, but' inspired by a teaching of Rabbi Di Segni - unfortunately I can not find it online-which he likened the situation to the Italian American. In the U.S., said the signs of winking at the eternal anti-Americanism, if you do not like that this synagogue or rabbi, you can easily choose another, while in Italy and 'more' or less forced to stay where you are . E ' the market that exists in the U.S., Di Segni said. And I remember thinking - "while in Italy the industry pulls ahead thanks to a monopoly guaranteed by the State."

'cause in fact Limmud has several features in common with the malls. They hold different services simultaneously - Reform, Masorti, Orthodox. Each could be compared to a showcase of his movement, and in fact people who have never entered a synagogue (say) Masorti, have the opportunity to 'tell the tefilla' in this unusual (for them) way, and how and '. After meeting with the author that you will be 'like, maybe, to read his book. Or sign up for courses and seminars held here or there '. Not to mention most of the organizations 'strictly political or voluntary, who will present their activities' and come with brochures and leaflets.

Malls sono delle specie di bolle spazio-temporali avulsi dal contesto circostante? Limmud, con il suo ritmo intenso e lo spazio che occupa (un campus universitario, per una settimana) e' una bolla , in cui tempo e spazio della presenza ebraica sono diversi rispetto a quelli della citta' circostante. Io, per esempio, in una giornata tipo, studiavo nella yeshiva tre ore al mattino, e dopo pranzo riuscivo a seguire tre lezioni, o incontri, e a sera decidevo tra un concerto e un film, per poi andare a una lezione notturna e rientrare in camera piu' o meno alle undici. C'erano altri concerti ed altra roba che andava avanti fino all'una e mezza, e poi comunque la lounge rimaneva aperta, e si sono tenute jam session memorabili. Posso permettermi these rhythms out of Limmud? No. Why 'to the Limmud could I do? 'Cause, just like in most shopping malls' competitive, there was a babysitting service, until half past eleven. Free and provided by volunteers.

Then ', Rabbi Di Segni, and this ' the market, and provides services that can not be found in the traditional shop, shop in the presence of Italian Jews. Why 'CODEST and' organized by one, and only one, comunita'-rooted-in-land, where the market and 'guaranteed by the state monopoly. Instead of crowds flock to Limmud scholars and intellectuals and rabbanim and teachers and artists and audience (2400 people, the latest edition), all of them Jews, or potentially interested in becoming customers of the same item selling rabbis. And some of them, even rabbis: the likes of Francis Nataf and Shlomo Riskin, to remain in Orthodoxy. That the goods, so to speak ', they sell. It seems disrespectful to the comparison? Then we say they are more 'than two thousand people, willing, even in these times, to pay a few hundred pounds to spend the week between 24 and 30 December in a place where you study Jewish texts, we see film of Jewish topic There are exhibits of Jewish art and is particularly shmoozeggia (= cazzeggiano among Jews, say) in an intensive way. I saw more 'or less a fifteen people who thought I had lost sight of.

There was someone with the genetic makeup is not right? Probably yes', as one of the speakers there were also some Muslim theologians and evangelical pastor, a Palestinian journalist and a shark that John Ging, the Gaza director of UNRWA. All the sessions were to take 'cause they thought they had something to say to a Jewish audience. And so 'and' state. I had some reservations as to having invited Ging, but the audience appreciated, and that professional liar, his face ashen, his eyes trying to avoid one of the interlocutors, has stuttered for the first time and that he 'opposed the boycott Economic Israel. A point scored in favor of Israel, in my opinion .

Who pays for all this? As mentioned above, forget about salaries. But there are still costs, and there are a couple of UK Limmud foundations involved in supporting them, along with local Jewish organizations. And here, perhaps, there is' the real problem for Italy. 'Cause a hypothetical Limmud Italy, would oblige the UCEI to work with reality' that are not Orthodox Jewish. This' status Limmud: discrimination is not allowed, otherwise you forget the economic support and the use of the mark. And you know that risk, that of collaboration.

Just to clarify: a Limmud UK public space and 'orthodox. There 's the eruv for Shabbat, the food and' only kosher (and of good quality ', lately), the common areas of Shabbat, we can not use musical instruments and even the toilets are rabbinic controlled: no electricity paper, already 'ready before Shabbat. This is because 'in line with an ancient Jewish tradition, the organizers were able to find a compromise - in the public space you try to respect everyone, in a private space does what it wants. And that 'the rule then in various Italian Jewish institutions, nursing homes, for example. But everyone has the right to speak. And I think this is a problem, in Italy.

When you subscribe to Limmud, you can tick the box in which you say you want to keep the sessions - and then explain that you want to hold sessions. Most likely, your session will be 'accepted, and you can teach your favorite subject. Do not we're in a session? It can do two or even three. Again, take a look at the site to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe incredible variety 'of arguments. Introduction to Hebrew calligraphy, discussion on A Serious Man, the Coen brothers film, discussion on American Pastoral, Philip Roth's book, conference on kabbalistic influences on Bob Dylan, session on kashrut and ethics, study of texts on the two marriages of Jakoov, how to protect your children from pornography on the Internet, I met Bono, and Desmond Tutu, and I'm still alive, as the British government is taking us out of my head, I'll explain the sources of Martin Buber, What to expect teenagers and so on. etc.. And this is just the first couple of days and there 's a lot of other stuff.

Why 'this should be a problem in Italy? you ask. The answer is found mainly in the morning, in the study method that is used in the Beit Midrash and Limmud and 'then also spread to other sessions. It is called hevruta. I know that is not 'very popular in Italy, and whose summary can be found here, not randomly a website designed and managed by women . In short, the text and 'removing the experts (clergy) and given to the public. Certainly, for centuries in the Jewish world and 'studied in this way, and still is studied so', irrespective of caste formation of a rabbinical training, which in some cases protect their access to the text, making it inaccessible (in Catholic countries, that looks strange example of assimilation). O scattered along the road of obstacles like this: I still know too little to understand. In certain circles, at least those that twenty years ago I attended in Italy, the "you know too soon" meant "you're not quite orthodox or observant."

Imagine the following two scenes. The first, quella che era familiare a me in Italia, consiste nel rabbino che apre il volume di Talmud, legge, traduce, chiede se ci sono domande, risponde a qualche domanda, magari c'e' un breve dibattito, l'ultima parola spetta a lui o ai soliti noti osservanti, e si passa alla frase successiva. Il rabbino, e solo lui, ha accesso ai commenti che sono stampati attorno al testo, da Rashi in poi, e solo lui sa quale pescare e dove. La seconda scena, invece, e' hevruta . E cioe' il rabbino, o chi per lui, fa una breve introduzione al testo. Tu ti trovi con il tuo compagno di studi, vi scornate con reciproche interpretazioni, e dopo un'ora, ci si ritrova intorno allo stesso tavolo ed il rabbino, o chi per lui, chiede: Cosa abbiamo imparato? Limmud ha portato questo metodo fuori dalle scuole rabbiniche, dove si e' usato per secoli, e lo ha applicato a una moltitudine di testi, dalla Bibbia, alla letteratura rabbinica, fino ai racconti di scrittori ebrei o testi di canzoni pop israeliane. 

Sento gia' un brivido di terrore scorrere tra i lettori italiani. Ma allora a cosa serve un rabbino , se tutti possono studiare? [Paura, vero? Ah, questi riformati, che non solo aboliscono la kasherut, e un altro campo professionale che viene a sparire... Tralascio questa ultima solenne scemenza - i soliti noti cercano di diffondere in maniera coordinata quanto la Armata Brancaleone: vedi qui e qui ]. The answer is not 'difficult, since the rabbinic literature and' boundless, a rabbi should be more 'or less be able to identify most of the texts' have to teach. Since Judaism should speak the text, and priests / scholars that make you fall from them, in fact, wisdom.

to grow the popularity 'of this method of study, which has little hierarchy and no inizaitico (as opposed to other approaches to the sacred texts), there are several factors, and I believe that they had no small part of the forum, blogs, and newsgroups, in short, all those places where the network peer communicates precisely, the amount 'of legitimate discourse e' inedita, e non esistono molti dei limiti di cui soffrono altre forme di comunicazione. Che e' un po' simile all'impatto dello E commerce sul commercio tradizionale, quello centrato attorno alla bottega. E che in Italia, dice Uriel, e' impopolare, visto -tra l'altro- la rendita di posizione di cui godono i commercianti.

Qui, per riprendere la metafora, Limmud e' parecchio diverso da un centro commerciale, dove uno accede ai beni a seconda di quanto puo' spendere. Invece a Limmud tutti possono studiare quel certo insieme di testi, raggruppati dagli organizzatori. Oppure, se non vanno quei testi, c'e' di fianco una yeshiva, che quest'anno offriva tre corsi, un paio su due capitoli of complicated Talmud (Sotah and from one another by Kiddushin) and one on the Psalms. In addition to the usual sessions, the usual panoply of issues, even where they 'method hevruta served as the master, unless they were introduced to yoga, meditation or visual art. etc.. etc..

I realize I have not mentioned another element of Limmud: namely, 'that will say 75 minutes each session, and all sections begin and end at the same time. So those who go to Limmud has to choose between two or three or four or five and so on. etc.. sessions held simultaneously .

This has caused me, at least the first time, The known effect of the child in a pastry shop, which would eat everything, and only with difficulty, and a vague sense of frustration, you have to make choices . If I go to the session on Modern Orthodoxy in America lose the conversation between Palestinian journalist and his colleague jew Tory. If I go to a concert by Debbie Friedman, I lose my meditation on colors. It 's like a mall? Or even, some would say anti-American obeying the usual reflex, as on the Internet? A huge window with no organic authenticity ', global sbroc sbroc stuff?

Can' be. But then the relationship with Judaism and 'case also did . Of teacher and not having met that guy. To be close to the synagogue and not that one. And so passes quickly the illusion of being able to control everything and be able to rationally decide where to go to those who hear. At first you feel soppraffatto come from too much stuff that happens at the same time and that can only be found in that part of the year and only them '. After a couple of days become Limmud zombie, you've re-met some friends, have the small hours, you slept three hours and stoically you wanted to wake up for the session of the seven, which was that meditation in the woods, and then you wanted to return to the yeshiva and so on. etc..

The blessed, or cursed, problem of relations with the Reform and 'short, the great obstacle to the creation of Limmud Italy - in my modest opinion, and after a brief conversation. Why 'should not be an obstacle and an opportunity', I really can not understand it. This site found summarized in a schematic way, and with some references to support the multitude of approaches that Orthodox rabbis have developed against the community 'Reform and Massorti, who are the majority of the Jewish population in America, and beyond. In Italy the Orthodox rabbinate has chosen the path of closure, and I think it 'a suicidal decision, which, as explained by Shlomo Riskin, in a session hyper busy (and they were about 10.30 PM!) - Eventually raise opportunity 'to Orthodox rabbis themselves.

few words about England, eventually. The Chief Rabbi of England and 'Jonathan Sacks, who in Italy and' considered a hero, and which are little known, in Italy, some not so brave behaviors (such as withdrawing from the market just a book whose contents could be offensive to the zealots). One of the criticisms made to it over 'and often' to avoid Limmud, although he attended when he was a teacher. Newly appointed Chief Rabbi had listed its priorities' with the question "Jews will have grandchildren?" and stressing the importance of education. La quantita' di giovani che partecipano a Limmud, facendo anche volontariato, sono una risposta alla sua domanda, e lui lo sa e ne va orgoglioso. Ma continua a starne lontano, per non offendere i settori piu' retrogradi dell'ebraismo inglese ortodosso, che vedono come il fumo negli occhi la possibilita' che una ragazza nata in famiglia ortodossa possa fidanzarsi, e magari sposare, qualcuno con un livello di osservanza minore. O un pedigree meno limpido. 

La quale e' esattamente la principale preoccupazione che motiva la avversione dei rabbini ortodossi verso l'esistenza delle Comunita' Reform. Anche in Italia, pare di capire. Comunque l'anno prossimo magari terremo una sessione intitolate "del perche' you can not bring Limmud in Italy. "Who knows 'that comes out some answers to the question above.

Monday, January 3, 2011

First Time Someone Touched My Breasts

London TRASH!!!

Naples? No, it's London. Unbelievable but true! Maybe even make the Londoners for recycling?
Source: Corriere della sera

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Digital Concepts Aa Aaa Worldwide Charger

A Bi'ilin, a village of the West Bank, every Friday' evening, held demonstrations against the fence. There are clashes with police, and this time and we 'escaped the dead. However you put, and ' a tragedy . And I would not even want to write, but I see around there ' a great desire to rush to conclusions. Instead, as in a predictable and predictable mystery novel, this death and 'rather strange.

The first who does not want to know more' are the same Palestinians who have refused to establish a joint commission of inquiry with the Israeli police. Pero 'a certain Jonathan Pollak, spokesman for the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (mica strawberries, h) have access to those same medical records that are denied to the IDF Israeli police. And according to him the demonstration was peaceful. This event, I mean

Rahma Assuming then that there was at that event. A relative, here, says that Rahn had inhaled the gas to 500 meters away from the sticks. Palestinian sources say was taken to hospital under unconsciousness. If Rahma 's the person that you see posted in ambulaza here in the video, here, I would say that just does not seem unconscious.

Ah, in the past few weeks, that belonging to the clan of the husband of Rahma, had threatened to stab - reserved for the punishment of adultery-because '(according to him) Rahma was pregnant and the father was not her husband. You look strange, adulterers are always those who go to die. It must be a Palestinian tradition. But who knows' whether it was really poor adulteress Rahma. We'll never know, because it 's dead - leukemia, to be exact. He was in hospital entrance ten days before the event .