For the launch of the new site , Piazza Sempione organized a meeting, the Digital Experience Luxury .
The event had as guests journalists, bloggers, experts, has agreed Giuliano Noci, Mario Abis and Sara Maino that discussed the digital communication and new frontiers in this medium . Of course, attention has focused on the relationship between fashion houses and consumer, and the luxury that is becoming increasingly open to everyone.
The meeting was really interesting, because I could almost hear debates on "foreign", perhaps a bit 'too academic, but essential to understanding the new communication fra il lusso e i clienti.
Appena tornato a casa mi sono iscritto al sito di Piazza Sempione, iscrivetevi anche voi per condividere le vostre idee sul sito!
via Ilaria Geneva
In these photos with Geneva before the event!
And here's the screenshot of my profile (you can find it HERE ) just joined the site of Piazza Sempione:)
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