Monday, November 29, 2010

Cake Birthday Template

Semitic neurosis

There' s a variant of the phony who has an undeniable long-term, and yet baffles me every time we stumble. It has to do with Israel, and usually affects people of Jewish origin. Or at least people who would have every opportunity 'to immigrate to Israel, become citizens and give their valuable contribution to local politics. Maybe bringing a little of the wisdom accumulated over decades, but I say centuries, Mann ': millennia! of diasporic existence.

"My family comes from centuries of peaceful coexistence with Islam." Fantastic 'cause you do not come to Israel to teach how to do it? "We know too well, as Jews, the fruits of fanaticism and intolerance sufferers sbroc sbroc. Beautiful, beautiful, 'cause you do not come to do your part? "Derived from my membership ebraica soprattutto una dedizione alla laicita' dello Stato". Lo sa solo l'Onnipotente quanto bisogno c'e' in israele, di separazione tra Stato e religioni. 

Peraltro, di solito, questo genere di farlocco non ne puo' piu' del governo Abberlusconi. Sarebbe quindi piu' che motivato, o motivata, a levare le tende e spostare armi (nonviolente) e bagagli (culturali, eggia') in lande dove, e non scherzo, c'e' un disperato bisogno di cultura politica liberal democratica e socialista. Dal momento che, ed eccovi servito il caffe', chissa' che non vi svegliate, la cultura politica di Israele e' la stessa della popolazione che ci vive, ovvero ondeggia tra il tribalismo North African, Eastern European and romantic socialism. Soon, very little room for individual rights and as to compliance with the law ', we are talking about a country born thanks to illegal immigration.

But no. Phony (or phony) is sitting at the window. Diasporic pearls of wisdom to bestow, to bask in the uncertainty of its membership and to beat with fury that happiness in the face to those who belong to the same, decided to do something more 'than a series of recipes [and this' a heavy reference to those who taught that the jew should be in this house, and the city outside. Here, if you want to know what it meant].

My friend Yossarian about who, among his peers, "he shuffled the Maharishi Yoga with Che Guevara." That is, if you think about it, two fine examples of escape from responsibility '. I find particularly galling, in Jewish circles, those who adopt the same attitude. Also because 'usually has the annoying habit to smuggle some fancy versions of the history of Israel, supporting projects bizarre splitting of our capital or dubious organizations for civil rights. etc.. etc..

does not live in Israel, it 'going to immigrants. Therefore has no interest alla sopravvivenza di quello Stato. Pero' conosce perfettamente quel che scrivono Unita' e Repubblica sull'argomento, e si sa che quella e' roba che non si puo' mettere in dubbio. E ognuno, peraltro, ha i propri testi sacri.  Questione di appartenenze .


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