Monday, November 29, 2010

Cake Birthday Template

Semitic neurosis

There' s a variant of the phony who has an undeniable long-term, and yet baffles me every time we stumble. It has to do with Israel, and usually affects people of Jewish origin. Or at least people who would have every opportunity 'to immigrate to Israel, become citizens and give their valuable contribution to local politics. Maybe bringing a little of the wisdom accumulated over decades, but I say centuries, Mann ': millennia! of diasporic existence.

"My family comes from centuries of peaceful coexistence with Islam." Fantastic 'cause you do not come to Israel to teach how to do it? "We know too well, as Jews, the fruits of fanaticism and intolerance sufferers sbroc sbroc. Beautiful, beautiful, 'cause you do not come to do your part? "Derived from my membership ebraica soprattutto una dedizione alla laicita' dello Stato". Lo sa solo l'Onnipotente quanto bisogno c'e' in israele, di separazione tra Stato e religioni. 

Peraltro, di solito, questo genere di farlocco non ne puo' piu' del governo Abberlusconi. Sarebbe quindi piu' che motivato, o motivata, a levare le tende e spostare armi (nonviolente) e bagagli (culturali, eggia') in lande dove, e non scherzo, c'e' un disperato bisogno di cultura politica liberal democratica e socialista. Dal momento che, ed eccovi servito il caffe', chissa' che non vi svegliate, la cultura politica di Israele e' la stessa della popolazione che ci vive, ovvero ondeggia tra il tribalismo North African, Eastern European and romantic socialism. Soon, very little room for individual rights and as to compliance with the law ', we are talking about a country born thanks to illegal immigration.

But no. Phony (or phony) is sitting at the window. Diasporic pearls of wisdom to bestow, to bask in the uncertainty of its membership and to beat with fury that happiness in the face to those who belong to the same, decided to do something more 'than a series of recipes [and this' a heavy reference to those who taught that the jew should be in this house, and the city outside. Here, if you want to know what it meant].

My friend Yossarian about who, among his peers, "he shuffled the Maharishi Yoga with Che Guevara." That is, if you think about it, two fine examples of escape from responsibility '. I find particularly galling, in Jewish circles, those who adopt the same attitude. Also because 'usually has the annoying habit to smuggle some fancy versions of the history of Israel, supporting projects bizarre splitting of our capital or dubious organizations for civil rights. etc.. etc..

does not live in Israel, it 'going to immigrants. Therefore has no interest alla sopravvivenza di quello Stato. Pero' conosce perfettamente quel che scrivono Unita' e Repubblica sull'argomento, e si sa che quella e' roba che non si puo' mettere in dubbio. E ognuno, peraltro, ha i propri testi sacri.  Questione di appartenenze .

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sore Breasts, Blue Veins, Brown Mucus

interesting map of the Peace Now

Qui si vede che, per Peace Now,  settler e' qualsiasi ebreo che vive dentro la Citta' Vecchia.

C'e' in giro in effetti questa leggenda secondo cui, quando Gerusalemme non sara' piu' ebraica, la pace regnera' nell'Universo. Ci credeva, per esempio, Sant'Alfonso Maria De Liguori .

Che evidentemente ha ispirato quelli di Peace Now. Vai un po' a scoprire come mai non sono cosi' popolari in Israele...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bachelorette Phrase Ideas

Amaro Medicinale Giuliani

The liver benefited from his action

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Invitation Samples For Death Anniversary

Ieri sera sul sito di shopping online ShopAlike ho creato la mia wishlist con tutti i capi (accessori e scarpe in realtà) che mi sono piaciuti di più.

Per creare la vostra lista dei desideri, è molto semplice:
- andate su and look for items / accessories you like in the various sections
- click on "record" to confirm your choices
- published the wishlist on your blog / website and join the competition !
course for more information go to the site .

Here's my wishlist!
I hope I win! Good luck to everyone:)
Giveaway - Wishlist: publish your Wishlist to your blog / web page, with a little 'luck potresti vincere 5 premi del valore di 500 € e un Super Premio di 1000 €. Iscriviti qui: Giveaway - Lista dei Desideri
475,00 € * (Spedizione: da 6 €)
305,00 € * (Spedizione: da 6 €)
* € 195.00 (€ 6.50)
€ 115.00 * ( Shipping: 7.00 €)
Marc Jacobs Marc Jacobs
* € 280.00 (Shipping: 8.00 €)
€ 134.00 * (cost: variable costs)
* € 310.00 (Shipping: 6 €)
€ 99.00 * (Shipping: 7.00 €)
* € 190.00 (Shipping: 7.00 €)
null Scarves Scarves &
€ 165.00 * (Shipping: 7.00 €)
* € 180.00 (€ 6.50)
110,00 € * (Consegna gratuita)

Watch Digital Playground Free Online Stream

Franco Frattini and Google Translator

"the state of play of the peace process" "in order to finally get the result" "to persuade and to remove some reluctances that still exist in Europe to practically implement the upgrading" "We've already reached a decision in that sense" "there are no boundaries, no limits, to improved cooperation in all the industrial sectors" "we also are going ahead with very interesting projects that I can define as triangular". 

  Franco Frattini , Ministro del Governo delle tre I.
With the help of Google Translate. Give it a try.

[hat tip to Lara]

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Nortel Vista 350 Wont Ring

Ieri sono andato a Milano per la collezione di Lanvin ♥ H&M , evento che ha attirato l'attenzione di tanti blog, giornali e magazine online.
I was particularly stressed out because I was afraid of not being able to buy any of the garments designed by Alber Elbaz but instead woke up at 5 am I did it!

arrived in Milan after two hours by train, I took the first taxi to San Babila and I slingshots in the store. The lower floor was really packed and the queue for the women's section was ending, fortunately for us kids did not need nor have to queue or to have a special bracelet.

Collection (Male) is very classical, is based on simple colors - blue, white, gray, black - and a few "mistakes": the only leaders are slightly different t-shirt leopard electric blue satin and lace. The cuts and designs are very linear, sometimes adorned with flowers as in the blazer.

But there are points both for and against in the collection.
First of all, I appreciated the papillon (usually hate) in different colors: blue, black, brown.
but I did not like the lack of variety of animals are always the same blazers, coats, cardigans, while for girls there were fake-furs, trench, ...

Anyway, here is my purchase with prices!

Laced black - € 79.95

shirt - € 39.95

T-shirt with leopard print collage - € 19.95

Papillon leopard - € 29.95

Plus I got free of the hook Lanvin + H & M .
I wanted to also take the faux fur, but I should have the bracelet!
What do you think? Did you go you also to buy?

PS: I was also interviewed by two women from the IED ! I hope to soon find the video!

Lincoln Continental 89 Model

Roma in Jerusalem

liked? If you are interested in the topic, here there 'an article you read. And Oh well ', you must register. But there 'a picture of a friend of mine.

There is immense Prejudice Against the Gypsies in Palestinian society [...] I have sat with educated Palestinians and heard very negative prejudices against the Gypsies… It showed me the underside of Palestinian society. I was able to see how they treat their own minority and it was quite disturbing.
There is a lot of prejudice and they [i Palestinesi, ndt]  feel oppressing the Gypsies is natural. The Jewish workers in the municipality are usually extremely sensitive and show solidarity and support"

Quale sorpresa, nevvero?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mac Not Communicating With Canon Mx

the story of a child and two small children omit

Questo post e' indirizzato a quel sociologo che un giorno sara' interessato a una cattedra in neuropsichiatria, e si dedichera' allo studio di forum, newsgroups et similia [1].

Il mio amico David, che blogga su Treppenwitz, ha oggi pubblicato questa bella storia. 

"I was recently examining an 8 year old boy. He looked like a regular kid wearing a T-shirt and shorts. I was in the middle of doing a retinoscopy when in the distance I heard the siren of an ambulance, as happens in any city from time to time.
The 8 yr old boy asked me if I could stop the exam.
I thought that he wanted to go to the bathroom. But what he did instead was to recite Psalm 121 by heart in Hebrew to pray for the well-being of whoever It Was In That ambulance.
he'd When finished, he let me carry on. "

not know about you, but I found this very moving story, for many reasons.

Jerusalem 'a city' complicated, say that passions run very heated, and this is 'an eight year old child, who prays for the health of a stranger who may well belong to one of the many tribes' or even foreign rivals (rival of his, whatever it is ) that run that city '. The person who is in the ambulance could be jew, Arab, gay, ultra-Orthodox, Muslim, Christian, hiloni and so specifying. The coexistence of these tribes 'is not easy, and there are some children who do not learn from their parents exactly what every human being,' an image of God, even though it might have told you otherwise, we do not exist apartheid, even with regard to medical care.

Among other things, each of the populations of the enclaves of this city 'also has its own dress code, and this kid does not even signs of any specific group. I mean it is not 'particularly datih, religious. Probably the three daily services of Judaism, and five on Saturday, there are all part of the routine. of his house. Which has its own sensitivity ', religious or not, and maintains that in this city', and 'I think a wonderful thing.

Well, today I posted , as they say, this story. We have given a controversial title, echoing a man who, as in this post here , try a particular pleasure to remind readers that this criminal and 'jew. It's a little 'part of his theology, we say. He and 'convinced that there is no such thing as human nature, that it is fundamentally bad, that could improve the practice of Catholicism, that the end of Judaism, however, for worse, and that the citizens of Israel to cover the worst crimes. My e 'was a provocation altogether surprising when you consider that the guy and 'lifted from the boxes, probably looking for some equally uplifting story, but belonging to the right religion (that of Pius XII, for instance).

The answers I got to my post are more 'interesting. The first and ' this . For a kind of automatism, when this guy read that there are Jews in Jerusalem feels compelled to mention that there are also "those who dispossess the Palestinians." What the children of these Palestinians throw stones. And that these shooters are killed with stones. Note the plural.

What then uno vorrebbe chiedere, a codesto sapientone, tutto questo cosa c'entra con un ragazzino che dice delle preghiere per la salute fisica di qualcun altro. Il quale qualcun altro potrebbe benissimo essere uno di quei ragazzi lanciatori di pietre -se proprio sei convinto che gli scambi sassi contro proiettile siano una faccenda quotidiana; non lo sono, ma mi guardo bene dall'importunare i tuoi sogni con la realta'... No, dai, davvero. Qualcuno ce la fa a spiegarmi cosa dovrebbe fare questo bambino, secondo il sapientone dai riflessi automatici. In quale modo puo' espiare il peccato mortale di vivere a Gerusalemme, come milioni di altri ebrei del passato, del presente e sperabilmente anche del futuro?

Anyways, 'then there' on that line exploitation. What I am here I do not see where racks his brains and cabbage is the exploitation. The posts, as I see it, contains a nonsense by the media and is widely generalized (the plural of the exchange of stones against bullets). To which the pundit bullshit adds - "We must think ..."; in fact if you write it here to say that I thought, no? "Before" [more reference stuff that I did not do it 'I do' readers, and even that child].

One might observe here that not all the dispossessed of the world throw stones - to say, most of the Jews expelled da Gaza, che ancora adesso vivono in camper e caravan, non hanno tirato sassi contro nessuno. Ma il nostro sapientone evidentemente considera connaturato alla natura degli arabi di Gerusalemme, questa propensione alla lapidazione. E vedete un po' voi chi e' razzista.

Allora, siamo arrivati alla seguente somma: scemenza, stronzata, fregnaccia razzista. La persona normale si accontenterebbe, voglio dire se fossimo nel corso di una conversazione tra avventori dello stesso bar, uno che ci e' andato giu' pesante in quel modo si aspetterebbe magari una risposta. Se il suo modello di comunicazione non fosse il monologo, voglio dire. Invece no , il nostro sapientone si sente in bisogno di aggiungere una carognata, or to shoot at random a meta-bullshit, one of the accusations most 'hateful. What are the basics, I repeat, no one knows.

Why 'is a meta-crap? 'Cause based on a bullshit, that genealogy of stone throwing by the pundit' to reality '. The Levi 's reality effect' , kindly provided by the media, and also falls on charges of exploitation. It's cool, throw them 'an accusation of this kind, between the lines addressed to the entire Jewish population of the city' of Jerusalem (except those that manifest themselves in events that appeal to him) to give the illusion that you're raising my voice a little 'as he did when invited Vittorio Sgarbi to talk shows to make the angry caricature.

little time and a second response appears . This one obviously there is something wrong with a kid knows by heart a Jewish prayer. That is not 'just a difficult thing in a country whose official language', of course, Hebrew. This, remember, a child who is good goodie on a chair while the doctor does an examination of retinoscopy. While out running an ambulance, ambulances and believe me go to Jerusalem really fast.

Now, I could understand the anger of the commentator if we were dealing with some superstition which recite Psalm 121 in Hebrew replaces medical treatment. But things are not quite so ', Judaism encourages scientific research and the health care system that Israel has.

So what else had to do, poor child? Scapicollarsi more 'down the stairs to see if it could be helpful in a more' rational, positivist, scientific and Enlightenment? And since this is not 'scientifically possible, would have to sit where he was, and Italian readers avoid the unpleasant thought of what do priests do? Maybe chess ', he could have said but who the fuck cares, it will be' an Arab dimmerda, give me back la mia playstation cazzo, devo ammazzare qualche altra dozzina di negri che poi passo al livello superiore, cazzo. Sai che bello, davvero un bambino libero da condizionamenti ed appartenenze tribali. 

Che poi, questo commentatore, ci tiene a far sapere che lui si lamenta dei preti . Ora, anche io, e' noto, mi lamento perche' i miei soldi vanno in tasca a quei membri del clero che stazionano negli ospedali. A mio modesto avviso non c'e' nulla di male se un membro del clero se ne sta in un ospedale, e probabilmente fa parte dei diritti della collettivita' quello di poter accedere a servizi religiosi e non si vive di sola religione, e insomma qualche ragione per mettere qualche soldo in tasca a quei signori probabilmente c'e' anche [boh, forse no, forse si', ci devo pensare]. Mi fanno invece sicuramente inc...quietare molto quei signori che stazionano negli ospedali per rendere impossibile la vita alle donne che sono costrette a ricorrere alla interruzione di gravidanza.  Ma in questa storia non vedo nessuna imposizione, nessuna coercizione, ricordatevi che il bambino non porta l'uniforme di alcuna delle tribu' di Gerusalemme.

Anzi, con un po' di fantasia si puo' persino immaginare che quel bambino, essendo appunto un bambino molto sensibile, abbia sviluppato una propria spontanea dimensione spirituale, prendendo un po' qui un po' li' from various forms of Judaism that cross thousands of years in this beautiful and complicated city '. What is he, a bit 'like all the other Jews in the world, that sort of journey that is called Judaism, and that is repeated so' many times: veshinantam levanekha , and teach your children.

do not know how you call that child is very sensitive, as I only know that in a totally normal. And that has some eye problems (and you ', I pray it's nothing). Maybe, who knows', we sparrow 'next well, when they are in my city'. It could be anyone, there is' a Jewish legend that says that every stranger might be the prophet Elijah, and this and 'a reason to smile at strangers.

Behold, I am moving the children thought that adults will like this one that will do something positive for the city' in which they live and maybe the world. The world keeps eyes on our town ', in fact. That thought helps me to resize the rather bleak impression that I leave the two pundits referred to above, so that in a story 'are only good reason to repeat to the world how stupid and dumb.

What then, if want to explain to readers that I misunderstood their post, they have all the space in the comments.

[1] joke in reality 'this is a post for restodelmondo that here has an interesting question.

What Kind Of Shirt Does Jeff Hardy Wear

between a lie and the other

Elder of Zyon informs us that the BDS campaign Boycott, divestiture and Sanctions going this lily. Tourism in Israel, however, is fine.

In para-dude lingo, I believe that the two reports are summarized by saying that the brand Israel improves its performance [from 41st in the standings, rooms on the 30th]. Crowning of efforts of those who are working in this business. If you are interested in your knowing it, the brand of Arab countries fall rather dramatically. As for Iran, Zimbabwe and only 'made worse. To understand what it means, ask yourself if you would go on holiday in Zimbabwe.

So, on this tour to campaign for the boycott of the activities' Jewish, more 'only harm those who should become a victim is more' evil to those who support it. Sara 's why invented nonsense.

This shall certify that the BBC no less. That, Let's face it, not 'bad at all, for being the national broadcaster in a country where people have trouble recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nightprowler Sa Airsoft Replacement Parts

Giornalisti-giornalisti e giornalisti-impiegati

The machine of mud-employees of these journalists is playing against Roberto Saviano but now must deal with who does not fit anymore. Anyone wishing to sign on behalf of Roberto Saviano can connect to the site and adhere to Article 21. Sign and turn.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Move Look Px Bindings

Obviously I can not hide the fact that autumn is the season I hate most.
When I leave at five in the afternoon, the sky is already dark, cold, people back home to keep warm, while I would like to be the exact opposite!
The only thing better are the colors of the leaves: yellow, orange, red, ...
I went to take these pictures with Eli in runs behind Galileo course in Turin precisely in the square Duca d'Aosta.

probably 19 to 23 December in Paris and I can not wait to return to that wonderful city where I would stay forever and for the magic that surrounds both the possibilities for a decent future.
I understand that here in Italy there is no place for Who really deserves, so it makes sense to stay in a country that hinders rather than help?
Maybe I'm entering in a speech that has nothing to do with this post and also with the blog in general, but is a topic very dear to me (because we have to confirm every single day).

good weekend!

Vintage shirt G-Star Raw + sweater faux fur hood

Monday, November 8, 2010

India Satillit Faqance


For the launch of the new site , Piazza Sempione organized a meeting, the Digital Experience Luxury .
The event had as guests journalists, bloggers, experts, has agreed Giuliano Noci, Mario Abis and Sara Maino that discussed the digital communication and new frontiers in this medium . Of course, attention has focused on the relationship between fashion houses and consumer, and the luxury that is becoming increasingly open to everyone.
The meeting was really interesting, because I could almost hear debates on "foreign", perhaps a bit 'too academic, but essential to understanding the new communication fra il lusso e i clienti.
Appena tornato a casa mi sono iscritto al sito di Piazza Sempione, iscrivetevi anche voi per condividere le vostre idee sul sito!


In these photos with Geneva before the event!

And here's the screenshot of my profile (you can find it HERE ) just joined the site of Piazza Sempione:)


I was wearing
ZARA shearling jacket AMERICAN APPAREL
Bershka skull t-shirt