Tesrimonianza an employee who has decided Adecco to tell us how things really work. Thank you for your story, I hope serve to encourage others to do the same and especially explain the mechanisms of recruitment of candidates and how they affect trade unions.
Adecco ... Once the slogan was "work for your success ... then realizing that it was too much a jack ass they eliminated! Of course, in the meantime have created codes of ethics, training to improve skills ... now they have invented the growth paths for the "talents". How do they work? In other words, identify an employee in one of the festivals organized every year in which the stage will follow the various managers (the salaries of gold), shouting "we are the best" "We are the leaders," we are better ", etc.. assigned to this employee and a number of objectives that go far beyond his duties ... because "I have a project for you" (this is the sentence that uses the center manager south!), or because "you're on a shortlist of candidatisu which the company is aiming for a career path for the next three years." The employee will feel flattered (at the bottom is a shortlist), and fans are completely dedicated to achieving these goals. Money? anyone! Career? The path is long ... 3 years (and then there are the crises that slow). Then suddenly there is a relative to arrange, a friend that you can not say no ... and employee as if by magic out of the shortlist. Well, if you think it will make a right. Right, if it were only removed from the shortlist ... But things are worse! The employee is otherwise removed from the friend, relative as they satisfied?? And so begins the subtle and insidious practice that only a commercial and unscrupulous (to make Codes of ethics) can put into practice: bullying! You have to suffer it and can not prove it ... invincible weapon! And then they start to isolate themselves from colleagues ... will not be possible to assign you to then say you is not "performing", they begin to whisper that there are prospects for your person and you will be intended to serve as that it takes (if ever be able to do so - sic!). Meanwhile, the workload would skyrocket, the first objective here is not met there a host of e-mail reprimand (where you finished your shopping spirit? - Unfortunately I have to record that we are facing a new failure) ... ... and this is the beginning ... then switch to one meetings where they start to insinuate that you have personal problems ... you're not comfortable, maybe you'd need a rest to regain that sense of serenity at home and prevents you from "aligned" with business objectives ... In reality, the problems in private life began to be actually ... but because you are always under pressure, you're stressed, you're intolerant, sei di cattivo umore, reagisci male, la notte non dormi, scatti ad ogni rumore ... Intanto a lavoro il capo si posiziona dietro la tua scrivania per mesi e comincia a controllare tutto quello che fai. Ti convoca continuamente a colloqui individuali durante i quali ti chiede "allora? come pensi di risolvere la crisi di questa filiale? Quale action plan vuoi applicare per ritornare a creare utile per questo centro di costo?" ... fino ad urlare, a minacciarti verbalmente ... a farti crollare ... è il CRACK! Cominci a necessitare di cure farmacologiche, di un supporto psicologico ... ti assenti dal lavoro. E l'azienda dopo qualche tempo è lì ... preoccupata per te e pronta ad offrirti una soluzione ... accetta 6 mesi di stipendio e dimettiti ... in fondo you need to take care of yourself, right? ... this is life in Adecco ... this is my work history!
by Anonymous on 14/09/10 at Adecco
by Anonymous on 14/09/10 at Adecco
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