Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What Kind Of Climbing Shoe To Buy

Zucchini and saffron risotto

Aiuto!!! il frigo pullula di zucchine(o zucchini? forse entrambi perchè sembrano moltiplicarsi) e tra grigliarli, farli al vapore, fare la frittata etc.. mi sono, sinceramente, stufata.... Così ho provato a fare un risottino che ho visto l'altro giorno al bar dove pranzo.... i colori mi hanno attratta.. giallo verde... potrei chiamarlo risotto brasiliano..

  • 1 zucchina(era grandina)
  • riso
  • 1 bustina di zafferano
  • spicchio d'aglio
  • brodo vegetale, ho fatto quello di dado
  • sale
  • formaggio grattuggiato
  • una noce piccola di burro


I cut the zucchini into pieces, I had some flowers and I did it in thin slices, a drizzle of olive oil a clove of garlic a bit 'of salt and then off to cook for a few minutes .

added the rice and toast done for good .. shortly after it started to pour in the broth I removed the garlic and saffron added

Stretched to the stock of occasionally, until cooked to order ...

Serve before, I have to do that one day I'll learn, I dusted with Parmesan and mix fact with a knob of butter .. volevo non metterla per rendere tutto più leggero, ma avrebbe perso in cremosità..

per essere la prima volta ed essendo andata a caso sono soddisfatta.. magari la prossima volta taglierò le zucchine un po' più piccole..

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Baby Bullet Replacement Jars

slices of veal with zucchini - the return of a clumsy cook

Rieccomi al mio blog dopo più di un anno di assenza, tutto per colpa della macchinetta digitale che ha deciso, durante le vacanze dello scorso anno, di saltare fuori dalla bicicletta, buttarsi su un sasso e rotolare nella sabbia... Ma ora degnamente sostituita dalla nuova arrivata...

Chissà se sono ancora capace di usare il blog, beh ci provo iniziando con questa ricettina very simple and fast that I have prepared this evening ..


  • slices of veal (I had 2)
  • zucchini (I used 1)
  • a piece of nut crop
  • salt pepper oregano
  • flour

  • Procedure :

    How strange it seems to me posting a recipe after a long time, I feel a little 'clumsy and how many things have changed .. :) But back to the mountain, I used this recipe for the magic pot, bought at the fair without cooking oil (as useful as ugly, but woe to run out), I cut the zucchini into matches and children blown up without adding nothing

    After the floured veal slices I put in a pan with the zucchini (when they are found to be somewhat 'crunchy but edible) and browned over high heat, just a moment not to burn

    the piece of nut was loose with a little 'hot water, I have not used much, just the qualtità to cover the bottom of the pan to cook the meat

    salty peppery Origan , did eat the broth and ate

    There are successful ... with a little 'hard work but we are able ...
    hopes for a good serata a tutti quanti...

    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    Nadine Jansen Pragnate

    Boicotta Israele. No 729

    Each product has a barcode. The Israelis have a product code beginning with 729. Boycotting Israel's economy is the only way we can stop them. States should do so. They should do business. They should do all who live and work in the economy overall. Every euro that we give them is transformed into bombs and tanks firing against the Palestinian civilian population. When you go shopping, do not buy. Do not direct money in that direction. Let's not do but I hope we as consumers fail to do so even those who deal with large investments. Wishful thinking, I suppose, because those who work to make money awaits destruction of states to win contracts for reconstruction. So it depends on us. We begin to remove some weapons to those releases by the ton on the Palestinian population. Let's do it. Spread the word.
