Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Orlando, Fl Glory Holes

Cessazione annunci agenzie

With Path Finder

Hello Johnny,

a friend of mine told me that the Venetian in his city agencies can no longer run ads on the site of the province of Padua, in fact you report what you wrote and then also point out the page so you can read you what it is!

Termination ad agencies
From April 12 the section of the bulletin on the ads' Bids agencies "has been closed.
Since we can not guarantee compliance with the regulations of the ad agency, we note that from Monday, April 12 that section of the bulletin online has been closed.

You can find listings of agencies within their sites:

Yay! Something is happening ... we hope that other provinces will decide to apply this practice.

The site is Padovanet, Youth Project and the section is called the old page: ads served agencies.

The link is:


in other good news I hope so. Hello

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Garotting Execution Clips


About two weeks ago I was looking at an internet work and I came across the site "Infojobs", one of several search engines where you can find listings of agencies. Among them was the insertion of a private company, not an agency, whose name is "Prime" which had made this announcement:
"Corporate partners of a primary company, leader in the energy sector, select No 10 of both sexes, from meter reading to their customers.
We require: full-time presence, excellent organizational skills and car.

There's job easier, get the morning you get in the car and write down the numbers on a sheet paper and go home. All this if the job was like that described in the ad.
When sono andato all'appuntamento per il colloquio, si parlava di tutto tranne che leggere i contatori. Il tizio che mi ha fatto il colloquio mi ha detto che non si tattava di leggere i contatori ma che si trattava di una rappresentanza porta a porta dove si dovevano acquisire clienti per conto dell'Enel.
A quel punto mi son alzato e me ne sono andato senza dire una parola.
Ho mandato più di un'email alla redazione di Infojobs per denunciare il fatto, dopo tre settimane non ho ancora ricevuto risposta e non so se mai la riceverò, quando si degneranno di darci una risposta, la pubblicherò immediatamente. Per il momento posso slo dire che se qualcuno ha ricevuto delle simili umiliazioni non esiti a scrivermi per raccontare la sua storia, anche in maniera anonymously and without naming names.
Our only weapon is to denounce all this crap that you see around, even though the complaint comes from a poor blog you need to write everything that happens in the world of work, because in this country of shit you can not go on like this.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Cuda Wedding Hair Dos

Buona Pasqua a tutti!!!